Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : Everything You Need to Know

Only slightly different from Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD is chiefly denoted by a failure to concentrate, with classroom educators having to time and again redirect and prompt these students when they have to carry out regular, daily tasks. Again, it is very difficult for the students, their classmates, and teachers to cope with the constant need to be hyperactive, as exhibited by children with ADHD, as this detracts from the full classroom experience.

Assistive technology continues to find ways to help solve this challenge and help children struggling with ADHD learn satisfactorily at their own pace.

ADHD has three subtypes: predominantly attentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, and combined.

The symptoms of ADHD in kids are well-defined, and they’re generally noticeable before the age of six. They happen in more than one situation, such as at school and at home.

The main symptoms of inattentiveness include:

·         Getting easily distracted and having a short attention span

·         Making careless mistakes such as in schoolwork

·         Losing things or appearing forgetful

·         Appearing to be unable to follow instructions or listen to

·         Being unable to continue tasks that are time-consuming and tedious

·         Having difficulty organizing tasks

·         Constantly changing task or activity

The major signs of hyperactivity and impulsiveness include:

·         Constantly fidgeting

·         Being unable to sit still, particularly in quiet or calm surroundings

·         Excessive physical movement

·         Being unable to focus on tasks

·         Acting without thinking

·         Being unable to wait their turn

·         No or little sense of danger

·         Interrupting conversations

These symptoms can cause substantial problems in a kid’s life, such as poor social interaction with other kids and adults, underachievement at school, and problems with discipline.

The signs of ADHD are harder to define in adults. Since ADHD is a developmental disorder, it’s believed that it can’t develop in adults without it first occurring in childhood. But it’s known that signs of ADHD often persist from childhood into an individual’s teenage years and then adulthood.

According to some specialists, the signs associated with ADHD in adults include:

·         Lack of attention to detail and carelessness

·         Poor organizational skills

·         Continually starting new tasks before completing old ones

·         Continually losing or misplacing things

·         Inability to prioritize or focus

·         Edginess and restlessness

·         Inability to deal with stress

·         Speaking out of turn and trouble keeping quiet

·         Irritability, mood swings, and a quick temper

·         Extreme impatience