8 Basic Google Sheets Tips Every Teacher Should Know About

Google provides a lot of useful programs for teachers, but not everyone understands just how to use them. There are a lot of hidden features available for teachers, particularly when it comes to Google Sheets. Understanding how to use these features and apply them in the classroom is essential to help you create better documents in less time. To get you started, here are eight of the most basic Google Sheets tips that every teacher should know about. Add a Line Break While editing a cell, you can insert a line break to help organize your text better. All you …

My Vision for the Future of Personalized Learning in Schools

Personalized learning consists of customized learning paths. These paths adapt to the learner as each student accesses the curriculum and moves forward. Students set the pace and take responsibility for the learning process. In theory. Creating a bespoke learning opportunity involves more than setting up a student login and password in a digital curriculum program, but it can produce outstanding results when done well. Digital learning strategies can fill learning gaps, provide reinforcement or allow for enrichment while the teacher works with other students, but personalized learning must provide the right strategy at the right time for pupils. So there …

Pass or Fail: Teacher Preparedness and Multi-Age Classroom Development

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? Before classrooms can transition to successful multi-age models, teachers have to be willing and ready. When it comes to the success of a multi-age classroom model, teacher buy-in …

Using Amazon Alexa for the English Classroom

Apart from reading great literature, some educators struggle to come up with new ways to make English class engaging. Edtech has a lot to offer teachers who want to foster a deep love of language in their students. One of the most affordable pieces of edtech, Amazon’s Alexa, can be a simple way for students to engage in reading and writing at a deeper level. Most students love the silly games and interesting stories that are available to captivate their attention on this playful device. If you have been trying to figure to how to use Alexa to make English …

How to Add Choice-Based Learning to Your Blended Classroom

Students often desire the ability to have more input into their own education. Particularly as they get older, children want to have a say in what they learn and how they learn it. Educators are starting to catch on to this trend and view it as a way to keep students engaged. The final result is a classroom with a choice-based learning component that gives children the flexibility and freedom they require. Adding a choice-based learning program into the blended classroom can overwhelm you at first. However, it doesn’t have to be a difficult undertaking. Teach the Lessons First When …

How Early Should Kids Begin STEM Education?

Current research results are in favor of early childhood experiences for students, especially those who are disadvantaged. This education is the great equalizer because it provides a rich, common foundation for children who may have diverse backgrounds and experiences. So what does that mean? Students are capable of learning far more than you think they can. Most teachers will tell you that children will rise up to the standard you set, so you may as well elevate the bar for learning. And that brings us to STEM education in early childhood. That’s right – early childhood is the perfect time …

Using Amazon Alexa for the Math Classroom

Is it difficult to find fresh ways to sustain your students’ interest in math class, day after day? This is a common complaint among educators who know that math is an essential subject but struggle to find engaging ways to teach it. Amazon’s Alexa device offers an inexpensive way to start making math class enjoyable again. You can download several games to help quiz students on their math facts or challenge their minds. The best part is that these are activities they can do entirely on their own. Are you sold on the idea of using this device for your …

Assistive Technology to Help Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Succeed Academically

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a frustrating problem for students who want to succeed in the classroom. They often struggle to stay focused on lessons, to perform time-consuming tasks, and to follow instructions during class. Educators can become frustrated by the amount of class time spent prompting students or redirecting them to little avail. However, assistive technology may provide students with the solutions they need to find real academic success. If you have been struggling to find solutions for a child with ADD, take a look at some of these top assistive technologies that other students have found helpful. Reminder …

10 Ways to Raise a Compassionate Child

 When you’re in the thick of things, it’s hard to know if you’re headed in the right direction. This is especially true in parenting. We all strive to raise intelligent, self-sufficient, compassionate children. However, the path to that goal isn’t always clear. To help you navigate the road of parenting, here are ten ways to raise a compassionate child. Model Compassionate Behaviors It may sound obvious to say that children learn from watching their parents. However, adults often forget that children will model negative and positive behaviors. Don’t let your child see you yell at a waiter who spills your …

10 Ways to Raise a Compassionate Child

 When you’re in the thick of things, it’s hard to know if you’re headed in the right direction. This is especially true in parenting. We all strive to raise intelligent, self-sufficient, compassionate children. However, the path to that goal isn’t always clear. To help you navigate the road of parenting, here are ten ways to raise a compassionate child. Model Compassionate Behaviors It may sound obvious to say that children learn from watching their parents. However, adults often forget that children will model negative and positive behaviors. Don’t let your child see you yell at a waiter who spills your …