Salman Khan’s Vision of AI-enhanced Education in ‘Brave New Words’

Salman Khan, the founder of the renowned Khan Academy, has long been a vocal advocate for revolutionizing education. In his recent book, “Brave New Words: A Life Story,” he delves into his vision for the future of learning, where artificial intelligence (AI) takes center stage. This vision, however, is not one of robots replacing teachers, but rather a collaboration between technology and educators to create a truly personalized and engaging learning experience. Khan argues that AI can address the limitations of traditional classrooms by providing tailored instruction for each student. Imagine a world where every student has access to a …

Chancellor of PASSHE to Step Down in October

Harrisburg, PA – After five years at the helm of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), Chancellor Daniel Greenstein announced his resignation, effective October 31st. Greenstein, who took office in 2018, will be leaving to pursue other opportunities, according to a statement released by the Board of Governors. “Leading PASSHE has been one of the greatest honors of my professional life,” said Greenstein in the statement. “I am deeply proud of the progress we have made together during my tenure, and I am confident that the system is well-positioned for continued success.” Greenstein’s tenure has been marked by …

Classroom Deal of the Day: Crayon Sharpener for Less Than $35

Tired of broken crayons and frustrated little artists? Look no further than the [Brand Name] Crayon Sharpener, the Classroom Deal of the Day, available now for under $35! This innovative tool is a must-have for any classroom, daycare, or home where creativity thrives. Here’s why the [Brand Name] Crayon Sharpener is a steal:  Effortless Sharpening: Say goodbye to frustrating manual sharpening! The [Brand Name] sharpener effortlessly glides over crayons, creating a perfect point every time. No more broken crayons or uneven tips, just smooth and consistent lines for vibrant artwork.  Durable Design: Made from high-quality, durable materials, this sharpener is …

High-Frequency Word List (Free Printables and Teaching Ideas)

Learning to read is a fundamental skill that unlocks a world of knowledge and opportunities. But for young learners, navigating the alphabet soup of words can be daunting. This is where high-frequency word lists come in, offering a foundational stepping stone to fluency and comprehension. What are High-Frequency Words? These are the words that appear most frequently in written English. While they may be short and simple, they form the backbone of reading and writing. By mastering these words, children can:  Decode text more quickly and efficiently.  Comprehend what they read with greater ease.  Build confidence in their reading abilities. …

Top 5 Tips To Prepare An Impactful L&D Strategy In 2024

The world of work is constantly evolving, and with it, the demands placed on Learning and Development (L&D) professionals. To thrive in 2024, L&D strategies need to be more than just training programs; they must be dynamic, future-focused, and truly impactful. Here are 5 key tips to help you craft an L&D strategy that drives real business results: 1. Align with Business Goals: L&D must be a strategic partner, not just a support function. Start by deeply understanding your organization’s strategic objectives and how L&D can directly contribute to their success. This might involve:  Identifying critical skills gaps: Analyze workforce …

A New Approach To Gauging Learning Impact

Traditionally, evaluating the impact of learning programs has relied heavily on metrics like test scores, completion rates, and learner satisfaction surveys. While these measures offer valuable insights, they often fail to capture the true value and impact of learning on individual and organizational performance. Today, a new approach is emerging, emphasizing a holistic understanding of learning impact that extends beyond these traditional measures. Moving Beyond the Surface: The limitations of traditional metrics are becoming increasingly apparent. Test scores, for instance, may reflect rote memorization rather than genuine understanding and application of knowledge. Completion rates may be skewed by factors like …

New Research Says Prosocial Behavior Among Classmates Boosts Academic Engagement in Middle School

A new study has shed light on the powerful connection between prosocial behavior and academic engagement among middle school students. Researchers at [Name of Institution] found that students who actively engage in acts of kindness and helpfulness towards their peers show significantly higher levels of academic engagement. This finding adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that fostering a supportive and prosocial classroom environment can have a profound impact on students’ academic success. The study, published in the journal [Name of Journal], involved [Number] middle school students across [Number] schools. Researchers used a combination of surveys, teacher observations, and …

Privacy and Data Protection Are Driving Edtech Adoption Trends

The education technology (Edtech) landscape is constantly evolving, with new tools and platforms emerging every day. While innovation is exciting, it also raises critical concerns about data privacy and protection. Interestingly, these concerns are not hindering adoption but rather driving it. Here’s why: 1. Parents and Educators Demand Safeguarding: Parents and educators are increasingly vigilant about data security, especially in the wake of high-profile data breaches and privacy scandals. They want assurance that sensitive student data is handled responsibly and ethically. This demand for robust security measures is pushing Edtech providers to invest heavily in privacy-focused solutions. 2. Compliance with …

It’s Time to Rethink Cybersecurity in Education

The digital landscape of education has evolved rapidly, with schools embracing technology at an unprecedented rate. This presents a unique set of challenges, requiring a fundamental rethink of cybersecurity strategies. Simply relying on firewalls and antivirus software is no longer sufficient to protect students, staff, and sensitive data in today’s threat-laden environment. Outdated Approaches Leave Schools Vulnerable: Traditional cybersecurity models focused on protecting the perimeter. However, modern threats often bypass these defenses, exploiting vulnerabilities within networks and individual devices. Phishing attacks, ransomware, and malware are increasingly sophisticated, targeting not just data, but also critical systems like learning management platforms and …

A Tribute to Lillian Bridwell-Bowles (1947-2024)

The world lost a vibrant soul and a fierce advocate on [date of passing], with the passing of Lillian Bridwell-Bowles. Born in [place of birth] in 1947, Lillian lived a life full of purpose, leaving an indelible mark on her community and beyond. Lillian’s journey was marked by unwavering passion and dedication to [mention her key area of contribution, e.g., education, social justice, arts, etc.]. Her unwavering belief in the power of [mention specific belief, e.g., education, human connection, community engagement, etc.] fueled her relentless efforts to [mention her key achievements, e.g., advocate for underprivileged children, promote cultural diversity, foster …