Using Data to Advance Racial Equity

One way to use data to improve racial equity is to use it to measure the progress of different groups. For example, if you want to track the percentage of black students who attend high-quality schools, use data to measure the progress of African American students. Another way is to use it to help identify patterns and disparities. This can be done by looking at data on different races and ethnicity, as well as by analyzing data on socioeconomic factors. One final way to use data to advance racial equality is to focus on small areas of progress. This can …

Using Video Content to Amplify Learning

Video content can be a powerful means to increase learning outcomes. By using video content to amplify learning, students can more easily understand and retain information. They can better focus on the information and avoid distractions. Additionally, using video content to improve learning can help students to better understand complex concepts. What are some of the benefits of using video content to amplify learning? 1. Increased understanding and retention of information. By using video content to amplify learning, students can better understand the information. Additionally, they can better retain the information by being able to see it in a visual …

A Powerful Model for Understanding Good Tech Integration

Good tech integration is key to maintaining an efficient, customer-oriented digital economy. But how can businesses effectively integrate different technologies to create a cohesive customer experience? There is no one answer to this question, as each company and industry will have their own unique requirements. However, there is a model that can be used to help businesses integrate good tech integration. The model is called the “5 Cs of Good Tech Integration.” These are: Commitment, Communication, Coordination, Cooperation, and Confidence. Each of these Cs is essential to good tech integration and all must be in place for a successful implementation. …

What Is Successful Technology Integration?

Successful technology integration use technology to enable coordinated and effective operations. Integration can be divided into four phases: acquisition, implementation, operation, and maintenance. Acquisition involves identifying the organization’s needs for technology and acquiring the necessary software. Implementation involves installing and configuring the software. Operation involves using the new technology to achieve the organization’s goals. Maintenance involves keeping the technology operational and supported. Technology integration is critical to the success of organizations. It can improve productivity, coordination, and communication. It can also reduce costs and improve safety. However, technology integration is not easy. It requires a coordinated effort between the organization’s …

Elementary School Assistive Technology Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

Are you looking for elementary school assistive intelligence apps, tools, and resources that you can use with your students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed. Natural Reader– This is a handy text-to-speech app that works in various formats, including PDF, Doc, and TXT files. As the name implies, you can choose your favorite natural voice type from over 50 choices available. OCR Instantly Pro– Text-to-speech programs work fine with online material, but there is little in the form of books and worksheets. This app lets …

Everything You Need To Know About the Common App

Having first set up shop in 1975, the Common Application is the oldest college applicant aid in America. It remains the preferred application amongst America’s Ivy League schools. The Common Application has significantly developed over the last few decades to compete with the wave of competition that has emerged. The Common App works to save you time by simultaneously applying to several different colleges and universities. However, despite its 40+ years of existence, the App is still a source of confusion to some. Let’s take a look at the basics to make sure you know everything you need to know.  …

Advantages Of Streaming In Schools

Streaming is the process of grouping students with similar abilities. Students with similar skills are then united to create one class. The purpose of streaming is to allow students to move together at the same pace.  A group with a similar ability range allows the teacher to maintain a consistent pace. Streaming also ensures that you are not leaving anyone behind. The tasks and challenges are suitable for everyone in the class, and the teacher can move at high speed with a competent student group.  However, a group of slow students can be taught slowly. It gives the teacher more …

The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 7: How Digital Age Teachers Can Win Over Parents

Education is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. One of the most integral parts of this collaborative team is parents, as teachers know all so well. So, if you are a teacher struggling to increase parental engagement, how do you fix this issue? In this episode, we will discuss 7 ways that digital age teachers win over parents.