Naturalistic Intervention: Changing Behaviors in the Learner’s Regular Setting

Naturalistic intervention (NI) is a set of practices, techniques, and strategies designed to bring out a target behavior. This is done in the learner’s normal environment while following their daily routines, hence the term “naturalistic.” It is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Naturalistic Intervention for Learners with Communication and Socialization Concerns NI is useful for learners with communication and socialization concerns. Communication and socialization skills are acquired as the learner interacts with people in their day-to-day lives. Practices include environmental arrangement, interaction techniques, and strategies.  If the target behavior is to increase social interaction, teachers can …

Does Extrinsic Motivation Work?

We all have our own goals, aspirations, and motivations. Some people work hard and stay disciplined to improve their sense of self-worth and satisfaction, while others simply enjoy receiving the praise that comes with success.  In this article, we will be discussing the term extrinsic motivation and what it means. More so, we will mention how well extrinsic motivation works and a few of its downsides.  What Is Extrinsic Motivation? We have already mentioned that certain people become motivated when faced with praise, money, or other physical rewards. The term used to describe this type of motivation is called ‘extrinsic.’  …

Intrinsic Motivation: The Drive from Within

Intrinsic motivation is defined as the act of performing behaviors without the need for external rewards or validation. To put it simply, it’s doing something regardless of a reward or punishment. You do something because you want to. Intrinsic Motivation vs. Extrinsic Motivation If you find yourself doing yoga (or some form of exercise) and you keep doing it because you want to learn more about it, then you are doing yoga based on intrinsic motivation. You are extrinsically motivated if you do yoga intending to execute a difficult pose like a handstand. Intrinsically motivated actions and behaviors are motivated …

How Resilience Plays a Crucial Role In Success

We are all living in fast-paced and stressful times. Thus, it is essential to have a few coping methods to push through the most challenging situations. Being a high school or college student can be stressful, especially if there are classes that you aren’t that keen on. Not only that, but a lot of professors don’t allow their students to engage in analytical thinking and problem solving that is different from what theory suggests.  This is where resilience is of immense importance, as it will allow you to cope with stress and get through the hardships on your way to …

The 5 Levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most familiar theories of motivation. According to Abraham Maslow, the Hierarchy creator, our actions are motivated to achieve particular needs. As a humanist, Maslow believed that people have an intrinsic desire to be self-actualized or to be all they can.  However, if these ultimate goals are to be achieved, several more basic needs must be met first, like the need for safety, food, self-esteem, and love. We’re going to take a closer look at the Hierarchy of Needs. Read on for more.  Physiological Needs Physiological needs sit at the base of the …

Antisocial Children: How To Identify and Treat It

Moderate antisocial behavior levels are common amongst all children, and intermittent phases of this type of behavior are to be expected throughout childhood. Antisocial behavior doesn’t necessarily mean violence or intent to cause harm to other children.  It can also be lying, persistently not doing as one’s told, or even just simply withdrawing and displaying a certain level of aloofness to other children and parents or guardians.   As we’ve said, moderate levels of these examples of antisocial behavior are nothing to worry about. However, if issues such as this persist and do not receive any form of treatment, it can …

Understanding the 7 Phases of the Acting-Out Cycle

The acting-out cycle is a theory that seeks to explain how student behavior escalates and operates from beginning to end. It has seven phases, during which the teacher’s job is to be proactive and keep the behavior from manifesting or try to intervene once a problem behavior starts to manifest itself. Understanding the phases of the acting-out cycle and responding early on in the cycle will help prevent disruption of the teaching and learning process. Want to learn more about the phases of the acting-out cycle? Don’t worry; we have you covered. In this short piece, we discuss the 7 …

What are the Differences Between ADD and ADHD?

As a former special education teacher, I care deeply about the instruction of students with special needs. Because of this, I have spent decades perfecting my craft, and I now consider myself to be somewhat of an expert. So, when I hear people say ADD when they really mean ADHD, it kind of makes me cringe a bit. Why? Because there are stark differences between the two, and incorrectly identifying a disability can mean the difference between a child failing academically or receiving the help that they need. Let’s discuss this issue. ADD is an old term from a time …

What are the Differences Between ADD and ADHD?

As a former special education teacher, I care deeply about the instruction of students with special needs. Because of this, I have spent decades perfecting my craft, and I now consider myself to be somewhat of an expert. So, when I hear people say ADD when they really mean ADHD, it kind of makes me cringe a bit. Why? Because there are stark differences between the two, and incorrectly identifying a disability can mean the difference between a child failing academically or receiving the help that they need. Let’s discuss this issue. ADD is an old term from a time …

What Causes ADHD: A Brief Guide

Because attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms—impulsivity, inattention and/or hyperactivity—can negatively a child’s ability to thrive academically or get along with others, there are a lot of people who think that an ADHD child’s behavior is due to lack of discipline or other factors. What Could Potentially Cause ADHD The painful truth is that no one knows what causes ADHD, but there are factors that play a role. Research has postulated that ADHD may be caused by several things:  Neurological functioning. A lower level of functioning in the parts of the brain that are responsible for controlling attention and activity level may …