What Causes ADHD: A Brief Guide

Because attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms—impulsivity, inattention and/or hyperactivity—can negatively a child’s ability to thrive academically or get along with others, there are a lot of people who think that an ADHD child’s behavior is due to lack of discipline or other factors. What Could Potentially Cause ADHD The painful truth is that no one knows what causes ADHD, but there are factors that play a role. Research has postulated that ADHD may be caused by several things:  Neurological functioning. A lower level of functioning in the parts of the brain that are responsible for controlling attention and activity level may …

How Do You Diagnose ADHD?

From time to time, I will receive an email from a reader asking me how ADHD is diagnosed in children. Instead of writing a long email explaining the process, I refer them to articles that answer the question. While googling the latest research on ADHD, I became inspired to write an article about ADHD diagnosis. Let’s get started. Let’s get the most important thing out of the way. There is no definitive way to test for ADHD. Also, any test that you choose will be complex. You need to conduct research for yourself, so you can understand the pros and …

How Do You Diagnose ADHD?

From time to time, I will receive an email from a reader asking me how ADHD is diagnosed in children. Instead of writing a long email explaining the process, I refer them to articles that answer the question. While googling the latest research on ADHD, I became inspired to write an article about ADHD diagnosis. Let’s get started. Let’s get the most important thing out of the way. There is no definitive way to test for ADHD. Also, any test that you choose will be complex. You need to conduct research for yourself, so you can understand the pros and …

72 Classroom Accommodations for Students With ADHD

Are you a teacher looking for accommodations for students with ADHD? Don’t worry we have you covered. Below you will find 72 examples of accommodations that teachers can make to adapt to the needs of students with ADHD. 1. Seat student in a quiet area 2. Seat student near a good role model 3. Seat student near the teacher 4. Seat student near a peer tutor 5. Increase the distance between desks 6. Allow the student to have more time to complete their assigned work 7. Shorten all assignments or tasks 8. Break long assignments into smaller parts so the …

72 Classroom Accommodations for Students With ADHD

Are you a teacher looking for accommodations for students with ADHD? Don’t worry we have you covered. Below you will find 72 examples of accommodations that teachers can make to adapt to the needs of students with ADHD. 1. Seat student in a quiet area 2. Seat student near a good role model 3. Seat student near the teacher 4. Seat student near a peer tutor 5. Increase the distance between desks 6. Allow the student to have more time to complete their assigned work 7. Shorten all assignments or tasks 8. Break long assignments into smaller parts so the …

What Are the Symptoms of ADHD?

ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an inability to pay attention and/or and impulsivity that impedes normal functioning. It affects children and adults alike. The symptoms of ADHD are broad in scope and will differ depending on which kind of ADHD that you have. There are 3 different types of ADHD: inattentive type hyperactive type impulsive type Each type has its own symptoms, which we will discuss in this article. More specifically, let’s look at the symptoms for children, ages 3-18. Inattentive ADHD Symptoms Checklist: Does not pay attention to details and makes careless mistakes on classroom assignments, work, or …

Implementing Successful Behavioral Interventions With Gifted Students

Behavioral interventions are tough to stage and stage successfully regardless of a student’s cognitive abilities and achievement status, but they can be especially rough when it comes to gifted students. Because these students are functioning in many ways on different levels than the majority of their peers, regular methodologies for behavioral interventions usually fall flat because they aren’t adaptive to the particular needs and challenges of gifted students. The first thing that needs be done is to differentiate gifted learners from those who are high-achievers. According to noted behavioral researcher and theorist, Dr. Bertie Kingore, high-achieving learners “absorb” information” while …

Do You Know the 13 Types of Student Misbehavior?

I spent seven years as a public-school teacher, and nothing frustrates you more than student misbehavior. It can interrupt the teaching and learning process, and if not addressed, the ability to encourage other students to misbehave also. Because of this, teachers need to understand the types of student misbehavior, as well as their causes. If they don’t, teachers will find themselves always dealing with student discipline issues, which robs all students of a quality education. For me, this was a no brainer. There was no way I was going to let a few students derail my teaching efforts. I rolled …

The 11 Steps to Organizing a Student Discipline System

With the new school year quickly approaching, teachers everywhere are preparing to go back to the classroom. In the case of new and relatively new teachers, learning how to handle student misbehavior will be their toughest challenge. To be a successful disciplinarian, you must have a student discipline system that governs how you will handle student misbehavior. To help you get started, we have created a handy resource that outlines the 11 steps that you need to take when organizing a student discipline system. Decide in advance how you want students to behave. You have to know what you envision …