8 Must-Have Middle School Apps and Tools

The middle school years have a tremendous influence on future academic success. This is why it is important to implement the best teaching strategies possible to reach these students at such a critical age. Studies have revealed “that middle-level age students learn best when they are actively engaged with the content. Multimedia approaches can assist learners’ understanding of concepts and relationships not explainable in print text.” Therefore, parents and educators should make use of educational technology to supplement student learning inside and outside the classroom. To help keep your middle school students on the path to success, here are eight …

Let Us Help You Promote Your Education Related Product!

If you want to market to the P-20 arena’s most influential audience, then The Edvocate is your publication of choice. The Edvocate is the fastest growing online destination for the P-20 market. Our readers are: Highly educated and place a premium on quality education Professionally upwardly mobile Socially committed men and women engaged in their communities Decision-makers in both the public and private sector Passionate advocates for equality, access and opportunity for all Because the editorial content is credible, relevant and unique to The Edvocate, our readers trust and rely on us. When great value is attached to a publication’s …

11 Must-Have Apps and Tools for Dyslexic Students

Dyslexic students can benefit greatly from using technology. There are apps and tools available that can help dyslexic students read, write, and more. Using these 11 apps and tools with dyslexic students will ensure they can keep up in your 21st century classroom. Learning Ally Learning Ally is a great resource for audiobooks. This app has hundreds of books for kids and teens available with a monthly subscription. Users can follow along and adjust the size or type of text to make it easier for dyslexic students. Natural Reader Reading webpages, emails, and texts can be hard for dyslexic students. …

The 5 Steps to Implementing an App in the Classroom

Using a new app in the classroom is fun and exciting, but it can also be tricky. Finding the right app, making sure it works and setting it up can all take up time and frustrate teachers. Make implementing new apps in the classroom easier by following these five simple steps.  Step 1: Finding the right app Choosing the right app can make implementing a new app much easier. First, think about why you really need this app. Too many teachers use apps simply for the sake of using more technology in the classroom. Instead, look for apps that add …

4 EdTech Trends You Should Be Paying Attention To

Every year, there are new trends in EdTech. It can be hard to keep up with all the new and exciting things happening in the world of EdTech. As soon as you’ve caught on to one hot topic, it seems to become old news. But for all the trends that die out quickly, there are some that stick. After all, EdTech is a quickly developing field. Brilliant new ideas come around all the time and make a lasting impact. These are four of the EdTech trends we think you should be paying attention to: Virtual Reality Virtual reality is taking …

Rethinking Literacy in a Digital Age

For decades, literacy referred only to print text. In school, students were taught to read books and write essays. Students were considered literate when they could do both. Today, literacy is more complex. Most of the text students come across today is digital. Instead of books and magazines, students are reading blogs and text messages. This requires a different skill set than traditional literacy. It’s time to rethink literacy and start teaching students digital literacy. Digital literacy is not just the ability to read and write. It’s also the ability to effectively use digital technology to find and analyze information. …