7 Tenets of Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is the process of generating new ideas or solutions to problems. It is often described as a way of thinking that is different from the normal, routine way of thinking. There are seven key tenets of creative thinking that can help you improve your ability to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative solutions to problems. 1. Be open to new ideas. One of the key tenets of creative thinking is being open to new ideas. This means that you are not afraid to experiment and try different things. Instead of sticking to the …

Education Buzzwords Defined: What is Design Thinking?

In today’s world, education is constantly changing to keep up with the latest technologies and trends. To keep up with these changes, many schools have adopted new educational buzzwords. One such buzzword is “design thinking.” What is design thinking, and why is it important in education? In this article, we will explore these questions and provide a definition of design thinking. What is design thinking? Design thinking is a process used in order to solve problems. It is a way of thinking that focuses on the user experience. It is a mix of both engineering and design thinking. Engineering design …

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a process that helps in the creation of products and services that meet the needs of users and customers. It employs a creative approach that helps in the identification of needs, the analysis of alternatives, and the development of solutions. The goal is to create something that is both original and useful. Design thinking was first introduced in the early 1990s by Richard Saul Wurman. It is a process that helps design and create products that are innovative, customer-focused, and sustainable. It is used in a variety of industries such as technology, business, and product design. There …

A Focus on Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences in order to improve them. It is an essential skill for individuals and organizations alike and one that can be improved through practice. One of the best ways to improve critical thinking skills is to focus on it as a regular practice. In this article, we will discuss four ways to do this and provide some tips on how to achieve these goals. 1. Practice critical thinking regularly One of the best ways to improve critical thinking skills is to practice them regularly. This means spending …

12 Traits of Creative People

Creative people come in all shapes and sizes, but there are certain traits that many of them tend to share. From their willingness to take risks to their ability to think outside the box, creative people often have a few key traits that set them apart. Here are some traits of creative people that stand out: 1. Risk takers: Creative people aren’t afraid to venture into the unknown. They are willing to take risks and experiment with new ideas, even if the outcome might not be successful. 2. Problem solvers: Creative people are great problem solvers. They don’t simply accept …

Socratic Method: Everything You Need to Know

This refers to the accumulation of knowledge through critical thinking and asking useful questions. The method is named after Greek philosopher Socrates who taught pupils by asking question after question. He sought to expose contradictions in the pupils’ ideas and thoughts and then guide them to tenable, solid conclusions. The underlying principle of the Socratic method is that pupils learn through the use of reasoning, logic, and critical thinking. The technique involves finding holes in students’ own theories and then patching them up. Particularly in law schools, a professor asks a number of Socratic questions after having a student outline …

50 Cause and Effect Journal Prompts

Journaling is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you better understand yourself, your goals, and the world around you. It can be used to process emotional experiences, track life changes, or organize your thoughts. One great way to use journaling is to explore cause-and-effect relationships. By writing about the causes and effects of an event, situation, or decision in your life, you can gain insight into how your decisions and experiences are connected. To help you get started, here are 50 cause-and-effect journal prompts: 1. What causes you to procrastinate, and how does it affect your life? 2. How …

14 Ways to Teach Kids to Improve Their Critical Thinking Skills

Are you looking for ways to teach kids to improve their critical thinking skills? If so, keep reading. 1. Establish a time each day for a problem-solving game, analogies, decision-making learning activities, designated duties, etc. 2. Make sure that the learner can recognize the reason for real-life consequences of behavior (e.g., why the learner had to leave the class line on the way to free time, why they earned the privilege of being line leader, etc.). 3. Get the learner to create rules and explain why each rule is appropriate. 4. Praise those students in the classroom who demonstrate logical …

How New Tech Can Boost Learner Creativity in the Classroom

There’s a reason learners today are increasingly attracted to the video game medium. Video games have a lot of thought and creativity poured into them to make them as exciting and artistic as possible. They encourage learners to bring out their artistic selves and express themselves in ways that they did not think possible. It is impossible to understand the tech’s full potential if we continue looking at is as only a screen. Instead, we should begin thinking of it as a paintbrush. Essentially, we must stop looking at computer devices as machines and recognize them as new mediums for …

21 Strategies to Help Students Improve Their Memory Skills

Are you looking for strategies to help your students improve their memory skills? If so, keep reading. Get the learner’s hearing reviewed if it has not been recently reviewed. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, and instructions they do not understand. Get the learner to be a messenger. Provide the learner a verbal message to deliver to another teacher, secretary, administrator, etc. As the learner shows success, increase the length of the messages. Examine the schedule of the morning and afternoon learning activities with the learner and have them to repeat the sequence. As the learner is successful, …