How to Unlock the Power of Visual Memory

Are you looking for strategies that help your students unlock the power of visual memory? If so, keep reading. 1. Teach the learner to learn sequences and lists of information in segments (e.g., telephone numbers are learned as 123, then 874, then 1710, etc.). 2. Get the learner to take notes when instructions are being given following the “What, How, Learning materials, and On occasions where” format. 3. Show ideas following the outline of (1) Who, (2) What, (3) Where, (4) On occasions where, (5) How, and (6) Why. 4. Make it pleasant and positive for the learner to ask …

How to Teach Kids with Interpersonal Intelligence

When we talk about “intelligence” most of the time, we think about kids and adults who spend a lot of time in lecture halls and libraries quietly studying. Over the years, the concept of intelligence has evolved.  Developmental psychologist Howard Gardner came up with the concept of multiple intelligences, which challenges the traditional notion of intelligence (IQ) as a singular ability. One of the eight intelligences that Gardner presented is “interpersonal intelligence” – the ability to communicate and interact effectively with others. People who have high interpersonal intelligence are known to be excellent communicators. His theory was explained in his …

Using the Arts to Develop Children’s Critical Thinking Skills

It’s no doubt that critical thinking is essential to education and, ultimately, success in life, but does developing this skill have to be so hard? As parents and teachers, we can get caught up in the “critical” aspect of critical thinking, often turning the acquisition of complex processing and problem-solving abilities into an overly serious matter of assigning elaborate math and science problems or forcing our kids to try to think in ways that their brains are not developed enough to understand. Although the development of these right-brained skills is part of the critical thinking process, we spend a meager …