The Edvocate’s Guide to Class Inclusion

Federal law in America prescribes that learners with disorders should be placed in their neighborhood school with as much time as possible in a general education setting. This policy is known as LRE, or Least Restrictive Environment and dictates that kids should receive educational services with their peers unless it is deemed to be an inappropriate placement. School districts are required to maintain a complete range of environments from least restrictive to most restrictive. The Successful Inclusive Classroom Keys to success involve: Learners need to be active learners. Kids should be encouraged to make choices as often as possible. A …

The Edvocate’s Guide to Class Inclusion

Federal law in America prescribes that learners with disorders should be placed in their neighborhood school with as much time as possible in a general education setting. This policy is known as LRE, or Least Restrictive Environment and dictates that kids should receive educational services with their peers unless it is deemed to be an inappropriate placement. School districts are required to maintain a complete range of environments from least restrictive to most restrictive. The Successful Inclusive Classroom Keys to success involve: Learners need to be active learners. Kids should be encouraged to make choices as often as possible. A …

What Theo Taught Me About Dyslexia

“Theo’s Gift” Back in the day, I was a huge fan of the Cosby Show and the life lessons that it taught to kids and adults alike. One of my favorite episodes was entitled “Theo’s Gift.”  Before I discuss why I loved this episode so much, let me talk a little about Theo’s character. When we first start the show, Theo is in middle school and comes across as a sweet kid. As far as school goes, he struggles at times, and his parents frequently “ground him” for doing poorly in school. Flash forward to season 6, episode 5, and …

What Theo Taught Me About Dyslexia

“Theo’s Gift” Back in the day, I was a huge fan of the Cosby Show and the life lessons that it taught to kids and adults alike. One of my favorite episodes was entitled “Theo’s Gift.”  Before I discuss why I loved this episode so much, let me talk a little about Theo’s character. When we first start the show, Theo is in middle school and comes across as a sweet kid. As far as school goes, he struggles at times, and his parents frequently “ground him” for doing poorly in school. Flash forward to season 6, episode 5, and …

The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 7: How Digital Age Teachers Can Win Over Parents

Education is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. One of the most integral parts of this collaborative team is parents, as teachers know all so well. So, if you are a teacher struggling to increase parental engagement, how do you fix this issue? In this episode, we will discuss 7 ways that digital age teachers win over parents.

The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 4: How to Create a Culturally Responsive Classroom

Building a culturally responsive classroom is hard. To help you along your journey, here is your guide to exploring and respecting the cultural backgrounds of your students while also using diversity as an asset. If you you listen to this episode of the podcast, and take my advice, you will have a culturally responsive classroom in no time. References Culturally responsive teaching is a theory of instruction that was developed by Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings and has been written about by many other scholars since then. To read more of her work on culturally responsive teaching and other topics, click here to …

The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 2: How Edtech Companies Should Start the New School Year

As summer reaches its peak, and fall gears up to make its arrival, students, parents, teachers, and administrators are all preparing for the beginning of a new academic year. So many gains were made last year, and they are eager to build upon that success. When we talk about education stakeholders who are concerned with starting the school year off right, we rarely, if ever, talk about edtech companies. They too are an integral part of the school community, as they provide a valuable service. So how do edtech companies stay on their “A” games to begin the new school …

The Edvocate Podcast, Episode 1: 8 Attributes of Successful Digital Age Teachers

Regardless of where you go in the world, teachers are the backbone of the education system. Without quality teachers, school districts cannot provide students with the skills that they need to be successful academically. Without teachers, the next generation will not be able to compete in the global economy. These are sureties, and you will find few people who would disagree. If you have been studying the field of education closely, as we have, you know that it is undergoing a metamorphosis. Students no longer respond to the teacher-centered pedagogy that our forefathers did. No, today’s students are immersed in …