6 DEI Awareness Training Topics To Help You Create An Inclusive Workplace

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are critical components of creating a workplace that not only thrives but also provides an environment of respect and belonging for all employees. Here are six DEI awareness training topics that can help you establish and maintain an inclusive workplace. 1. Understanding DEI Fundamentals – This foundational topic covers the definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion and explains why they are vital to personal growth and business success. Participants learn about various dimensions of diversity beyond race and gender, including age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, socioeconomic status, education, and cultural background. 2. Unconscious Bias and …

Should sex ed include fertility information?

Exactly what sort of safe sex should be taught to our young students is always a topic of debate. As we recently saw in Texas, abstinence-only programs don’t seem to work and can even lead to higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases. Telling kids too much about how to have sex bothers many parents, educators and lawmakers, though. It seems that the jury is still out on the best way to empower students with sex-ed knowledge. One topic that is never debated, or even discussed, as it relates to sex education is fertility itself and that needs to change, according …

How Fan Fiction Can Transform Student Writing (and Reduce Your Grading)

Fan fiction has existed for many years, with fans creating stories based on their favorite TV shows, movies, and books. Fan fiction writers use their creative input to make their writing different from the original story, often to improve their work. Because fan fiction is based on other people’s work, it often borrows elements from the original story. However, fan fiction writers often weave these elements into their stories, adding their unique voice and spin. This can make for a very different experience for the reader, which is often more interesting and engaging. Because fan fiction writers are often dedicated …

Culturally Responsive Curriculum: Everything You Need to Know

This involves supporting and helping minority ethnic groups develop individual identities that tie in with their individual experiences and their experiences as part of a minority ethnic group. This is often achieved by including their culture in the curriculum so that fair and inclusive teaching and learning of history can occur. America, being a multiethnic country, is home to numerous ethnicities who have built the country together, and they all deserve a balanced teaching of history. Culture is often thought of in terms of ethnicity, beliefs, customs, and norms found in human societies that get passed down from one generation …

What is the State of Native American Education?

The state of Native American education has been a topic of concern for many years. The education system in America has long been criticized for its lack of inclusivity and cultural sensitivity to Native American people. Despite the many efforts to improve the education system for Native American students, there is still a long way to go before the educational gap between Native Americans and their non-Native peers is closed. Native American students face unique challenges in the education system. Many come from rural and low-income communities, where resources for education are limited. There is a shortage of qualified teachers, …

Stereotype Threat: Everything You Need to Know

Stereotype threat refers to the harmful impact which stereotypes can have on students when the stereotypes about their origins or groups (e.g., black Americans, lower socio-economic status groups) are repeatedly brought to the forefront. As such, educators must pay great importance to ensure students aren’t exposed to negative stereotypical projections via digital media, e.g., the propagation of the idea that women aren’t excellent at math or science. Hence, educators are tasked with the job of sieving through the projected images, videos, and writings to tease out those materials that may be, even subtly, promoting stereotypes. Stereotype threat is considered to …

Generation Alpha: Everything You Need to Know

These are the kids born to Millennials. The first birthday of the pacesetters in this generation was in 2011. Children in the Generation Alpha club are immersed in technology and defined by diversity in key areas, including ethnicity and race, family finances, and family structure. Generation Z follows the members of generation alpha. The birth years of Generation Z members were between 1995 and 2010. They’re followed by the members of Generation Y, commonly known as Millennials, who were born between 1980 and 1995. One effective method to envision how all these groups fit together: Generation Alpha members are usually …

Understanding Why Cultural Appropriation is Wrong

In the past half a century, a lot of people have found themselves in hot water because they were accused of cultural appropriation. What is cultural appropriation? It is the use and adoption of features of another culture with the consent or approval of people who belong to that culture. The vagueness of this definition, as well as the vagueness of cultural appropriation, in general, has made it a troublesome phenomenon. America is a “melting pot” that includes people from various cultures, races, and ethnicities, so it is not surprising that the traditions and practices of various cultural groups get …

The Lasting Impact of Mispronouncing Students’ Names

pass or fail

It is essential that a teacher pronounces students‘ names correctly. Though this may often be ignored or not taken seriously by some educators, a student’s name is tied to his or her identity. So, it is important to get it right. While it may be difficult to get the pronunciation of every child’s name right, the attitude of a teacher and effort he or she makes towards learning how to pronounce the child’s name correctly matters so much to the child. Our names convey powerful messages about our existence. Your identity as an individual is centered around your name. Most …

How Books Can Help Students Embrace Diversity

pass or fail

We know that reading books increases literacy, fluency, and vocabulary, but reading books also serves another critical role—that of celebrating diversity. Theeverymom.com says, “The best thing about books is that they can take you anywhere. Books offer us a perspective and experience that we may otherwise never know, and that glimpse into someone else’s story can be integral in creating open and accepting minds and hearts.” Recognizing and appreciating diversity helps our students see that just because someone looks a certain way on the outside, on the inside they are human beings just like we are. They have feelings, dreams, …