We’re Talking About the Wrong Education Gap

Introduction: The education gap is a term regularly discussed in political and educational settings. While most people refer to the achievement gap based on socioeconomic, ethnic, and other factors that influence access to quality education, the discussion has largely overlooked a vital aspect of the problem. This article shifts the focus to explore this often-neglected dimension of educational disparity and explains why acknowledging and addressing it is crucial. Misguided Conversations Surrounding the Education Gap: Education policies and programs are frequently designed to target achievement gaps between high-achieving and low-achieving students. These differences usually stem from socioeconomic factors or geographic location …

Using Restorative Justice to Transform School Culture

Flexible seating is a growing trend in education that allows students to choose where to sit in the classroom rather than being assigned a traditional desk. This approach has been shown to elevate student engagement, boost creativity and productivity, and create a more positive and inclusive learning environment. Here are some key takeaways for using flexible seating to elevate student engagement. First, it is important to understand why flexible seating works. Studies have shown that when students can choose where to sit, they feel more in control of their learning experience and are more likely to be engaged in the …

Racial Justice in Education: Key Terms and Definitions

Racial justice in education is the process of creating an educational system that is free from discrimination and promotes equal opportunity for all students. Institutions that are intended to provide educational opportunities for all students must adhere to a range of key terms and definitions that are essential to understanding racial justice in education. Key Terms and Definitions Racial justice: The process of creating an educational system that is free from discrimination and promotes equal opportunity for all students. Racial diversity: The variety of racial experiences that exist in a society. Racial identity: The perceptions and experiences of race that …

Special Education Evaluations in Private School

In order to be considered for a special education evaluation in a private school, the student must have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that has been revised in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1975. Generally, an evaluation will include a comprehensive assessment of the student’s present level of functioning, an evaluation of the student’s educational needs, and a recommendation for the appropriate level of instruction. Special education evaluations in private schools are typically more comprehensive than those in public schools because the private school has more flexibility in meeting the unique needs of its students. …

ERP Solution: Why Employ It In The Education Sector

ERP software can streamline the administrative processes in an educational institution, making it easier for faculty, staff and students to achieve their goals. By managing financials, enrollment data, and other critical information in one central location, administrators can keep track of student progress and make better decisions about funding and course offerings. ERP systems can also improve communication between buildings and departments, allowing administrators to coordinate resources more effectively. By automating communications processes, an ERP system can help reduce the number of paper trails and ensure that all relevant information is available when it is needed. In addition to its …

Reframing How to Think About Change in Public Education

The way we think about change in public education is often tied to the idea of reform. Reforms are typically thought of as a series of steps that need to be taken to fix a problem. But in public education, reforms can often feel like an uphill battle. There are a few different ways that we can reframe how to think about change in public education. First, we can think about change as a process. This means that change is always happening and it’s never over. Second, we can think about change as an opportunity. This means that change is …

Why Should We Care About Vocational Education?

In today’s economy, vocational education is more important than ever. There are many reasons why we should care about vocational education, and here are five of the most important. First, vocational education can help you get a good job. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost two-thirds of jobs in the United States are in some kind of trade or craft. Vocational education can teach you how to do those jobs, so you can get a good job and support yourself. Second, vocational education can help you learn how to do things you wouldn’t learn in a traditional …

3 Strategies to Boost Civics Education

There are a few strategies that can be used to boost civic education in schools. Each strategy has its own benefits and should be used in conjunction with other methods to provide the most comprehensive and effective civics education. 1. Create a civics curriculum. One of the most important ways to boost civic education is to create a rigorous civics curriculum for students. This curriculum should focus on the basics of American government and civics as well as the history and principles of the democratic process. This will help students understand how our democracy works and why it is important. …

Effective Uses of Technology in Elementary School

Technology in elementary school can be a great way to improve student productivity and learning. By using technology in an effective way, students can be more engaged and motivated, and have a better experience overall. Here are some tips for using technology in elementary school: 1. Use technology to promote creativity and problem solving. By using technology to help students brainstorm and come up with solutions to problems, they can learn how to think critically and soluble problems. 2. Use technology to improve student engagement. One way to improve student engagement is to use technology to help students connect with …

Big Ideas for Better Schools: Five Ways to Improve Education

In recent years, many parents and educators have turned to big ideas for better schools. Here are five ways to improve education in our community: 1. More engaging learning tools Tools that are entertaining and helpful can help students learn more effectively. By using interactive learning tools and engaging games, you engage students in learning for longer periods of time. 2. More creative ideas By being creative and coming up with new ideas for teaching and learning, your students learn new information and concepts in an interesting and engaging way. 3. More engaging learning experiences By creating more engaging learning …