Things For Germ-Conscious Folks To Bring On Flights

Air travel, while a marvel of modern convenience, can be a breeding ground for germs. From crowded airports to recirculated air, the potential for exposure is high. But fear not, fellow germophobes! With a little preparation, you can minimize your risk and enjoy a clean, comfortable flight. Here’s a list of essential gear for the germ-conscious traveler: 1. Hand Sanitizer: A no-brainer. Keep a small bottle (TSA-approved, of course) of hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content handy. Use it frequently, especially after touching surfaces like tray tables, armrests, and seatbelt buckles. 2. Disinfecting Wipes: These are your weapon …

15 Super Intimate Acts That Have Nothing To Do With Sex

In relationships, intimacy often conjures images of physical closeness. However, intimacy transcends the boundaries of the bedroom and can be expressed in numerous ways that deepen emotional bonds, foster trust, and create lasting connections. Here are 15 super intimate acts that have nothing to do with sex, each capable of strengthening relationships and enhancing connection:  1. Sharing Vulnerabilities Opening up about your fears, insecurities, or past traumas is a profound way to foster intimacy. When you share your vulnerabilities, you create a safe space for your partner to do the same, cultivating trust and understanding.  2. Deep Listening Practicing active …

Mom Brings Up Important Point About the Padding in Girls’ Bathing Suits

In recent years, conversations surrounding children’s clothing have taken on a new urgency, particularly regarding the design and marketing of girls’ swimsuits. One specific aspect that has ignited discussion among parents—especially mothers—is the inclusion of padding in bathing suits targeted toward young girls. This trend raises important questions about appropriateness, body image, and childhood innocence.  Understanding the Trend The inclusion of padding in girls’ bathing suits is not a new phenomenon, but it has gained more visibility in recent years. Many brands have opted to incorporate built-in padding in swimsuits aimed at girls of a certain age, with claims that …

It’s Official: the Mental Load is Hurting Your Relationship With Your Partner, Survey Finds

The “mental load” – the invisible burden of remembering, planning, and organizing everything from groceries to doctor’s appointments – has long been a source of tension in relationships. Now, a new survey confirms what many couples have suspected: the mental load is taking a toll on their relationships. The survey, conducted by [Insert Name of Organization], polled over 1,000 couples in [Insert Location] and found that a disproportionate share of the mental load falls on women. The findings revealed that:  67% of women reported feeling overwhelmed by the mental load, compared to 42% of men.  Women were more likely to …

Mom Shares Why She Took Away Her Tween’s Cell Phone—and a Plea to Other Parents

I’m a mom of two, and like most parents, I’ve been navigating the treacherous waters of tween technology. My 12-year-old, let’s call her Emma, is a typical preteen: glued to her phone, constantly scrolling through social media, and seemingly more interested in her online life than the real world. Recently, I made a decision that surprised even myself – I took away Emma’s phone. Not because she was breaking any rules, not because she was failing in school, but because I saw a change in her that worried me. It wasn’t a sudden realization. It crept up on me like …

Mom-to-be Asks if It’s Ok to Uninvite Sil With Infertility Struggles From Her Baby Shower

The excitement of a baby shower can quickly turn sour when navigating the delicate waters of infertility. This is the situation a soon-to-be mom, let’s call her Sarah, found herself in. A close friend, Sil, has been struggling with infertility for years. Sarah, feeling conflicted, reached out to an online forum asking, “Is it okay to uninvite Sil from my baby shower?” The question sparked a fierce debate, reflecting the complexities of navigating personal grief with societal expectations. On one hand, Sarah argued that Sil’s presence might be painful, bringing up difficult emotions at a time meant for joy. She …

Families in Oregon Can Now Get Free Check-in Visits at Home With a Nurse Post-birth

Salem, OR – Oregon families are now experiencing a revolutionary change in postpartum care with the introduction of free home visits from nurses. This innovative program, launched by the Oregon Health Authority, aims to improve the well-being of mothers and newborns during the crucial postpartum period. Previously, postpartum care largely revolved around clinic visits, often requiring families to navigate childcare, transportation, and time constraints. This new program eliminates these barriers by bringing the care directly to families in the comfort of their own homes. “We know that the first few weeks and months after birth are incredibly demanding,” says Dr. …

Sports in Extreme Heat: Warning Signs of Heat Illness and How High School Athletes Can Safely Prepare for the Start of Team Practices

As the summer heat intensifies, high school athletes eagerly anticipate the start of team practices. However, the excitement can quickly turn dangerous if proper precautions against extreme heat are not taken. With rising temperatures, the risk of heat illness increases significantly, posing a serious threat to athletes’ health and well-being. Understanding the Dangers of Heat Illness: Heat illness is a spectrum of conditions caused by the body’s inability to regulate its temperature effectively. It can range from mild heat cramps to severe heat stroke, a life-threatening emergency. Athletes are particularly susceptible due to intense physical exertion, dehydration, and often wearing …

Tackling Misogyny in UK Schools Could Take Up to 20 Years, Says Jess Phillips

Labour MP Jess Phillips has issued a stark warning, stating that it could take up to two decades to effectively tackle misogyny in UK schools. The shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding made this statement during a recent interview, highlighting the deeply ingrained nature of sexist attitudes and the complex challenges in addressing them. “It’s a generational shift,” Phillips stated, emphasizing the need for long-term strategies and a comprehensive approach. “We’re not going to see a sudden, dramatic change. It will take time, patience, and continued effort from all stakeholders.” Her comments come amidst growing concerns about the prevalence …

Can Noticing “Glimmers” Reduce Parenting Stress?

Parenting is a beautiful, chaotic, and often overwhelming journey. We juggle endless responsibilities, deal with tantrums, and navigate the ever-changing landscape of childhood development. The constant pressure to “get it right” can leave us feeling stressed, anxious, and even burnt out. But what if there was a simple way to shift our perspective and find some much-needed relief? What if, amidst the chaos, we could find the “glimmers” – those small, beautiful moments that remind us of the joy and love that come with raising children? The Power of Positive Focus Neuroscience shows us that our brains are wired to …