The College Attendance Gap Between Whites and Minorities is Getting Worse

In the United States, the higher education system has long been held as the key to upward socio-economic mobility. However, a significant disparity between college attendance rates of whites and minorities is a prevailing concern in the country. Studies suggest that the gap is getting worse instead of closing over time. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, as of 2018, only 42% of Hispanic and 35% of Black Americans aged 18 to 24 were enrolled in college, as opposed to 56% of Whites. Furthermore, in the fall of 2017, the gap between entry rates of White and Black …

How Education Leaders Can Respond to Anti-Black Rhetoric

Education is a key weapon against racial discrimination and social inequality, but it is not always enough to combat anti-Black rhetoric. In recent years, anti-Black rhetoric has increased, and it is often used by individuals in positions of power to undermine the progress of Black people and communities. Education leaders must take action to respond to anti-Black rhetoric and create a more equitable and inclusive environment in schools. Here are some ways education leaders can respond to anti-Black rhetoric: 1. Speak Out Against Anti-Black Rhetoric Education leaders must recognize that silence is complicit in perpetuating anti-Black rhetoric and discrimination. Leaders …

Why I Champion Gender Equity

Here are some reasons why I champion gender equity and why it matters. 1. To ensure equal opportunities – On the global stage, women still face discrimination that restricts their access to education, healthcare, employment, and fair wages. In many countries, traditional gender roles perpetuate the notion that women should stay at home, bear children, and remain subordinate to men. These attitudes and beliefs are not only unjust but hold back societies from achieving their full potential. By advocating for gender equity, we can ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed regardless of gender. 2. To address systemic …

What Is Social Justice Education?

Social justice education is an educational approach that focuses on the promotion of equitable opportunities and outcomes for all members of society, especially those who have been historically marginalized. This educational model aims to inspire positive social change by addressing issues such as poverty, racism, sexism, and discrimination. It emphasizes the value of diverse perspectives, critical thinking, and collective action in order to address these complex issues and promote social justice. The concept of social justice education has its roots in the civil rights movement, feminist movement, and other social movements of the 1960s and 1970s. These movements highlighted the …

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka: Everything You Need to Know

This is the ruling by the Supreme Court concerning the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in the year 1954. This ruling decision transformed education in America forever. This ruling dismantled segregation of African American and European American children in public schools and declared it unconstitutional.     The court’s ruling was based on its decision that any form of separation was unequal and in direct opposition to the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. States were instructed to assimilate all ethnic backgrounds into public schools and removed laws that enforced segregation in other facilities. Brown v. Board of Education …

The Little Rock Nine: Everything You Need to Know

This was the first group of black students allowed to gain admission into the Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas, after the Brown ruling. These students enrolled in the school despite the harsh criticism and many threats from the local white community. They were protected by the 101st Airborne Division, which had been assigned to them by President Eisenhower. This triggered a series of chaotic events, the news of which captured the attention of the country. The Little Rock Nine became the center of the struggle to desegregate public schools in the U.S., particularly in the South. These students were …

Educational Equity: Everything You Need to Know

Educational equity refers to a process whereby everything is put in place for all children, regardless of their backgrounds (e.g., lower socioeconomic status, minorities, English as a second/third language children), can succeed without favoring one over the other, and not denying them opportunities for growth and instead, giving it to kids from privileged backgrounds. Quite sadly, we need to recognize that education policy in this country has a poor history of true educational equity, with glaring commitments that prevent these bodies from making it a priority. The present educational equity structure is replete with several gaps and issues that must …

Why Education Technology Business Leaders Should Lead with Equity in Mind

Educational equity is a concern with ensuring that all learners are given an equal chance to succeed. That means that even a kid from a lower socio-economic status or a kid whose first language is not English, or a kid from a minoritized community is given the same opportunities to develop their talents and potential as a kid from a privileged background. Unfortunately, the history of educational policy and law has shown that sometimes ancillary concerns have overridden a commitment to equity in education.  There are most gaps and problems in the current system that desperately need to be addressed. …

Ethical Online Learning, Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice

For all of the “disruption” of education that Silicon Valley talks about, many of today’s education technology merely digitizes the ineffective aspect of the past education. MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are digital versions of the very maligned big group lecture. Online textbooks are another unidirectional method of information delivery, and virtual flashcards are just another tool for useless memorization. The current surge of education tech is filled with replications of the least-favorable parts of learning and teaching, all of which are not pedagogically sound. This article will discuss the role of critical pedagogy and social justice in the …

What Is Critical Race Theory? A Definitive Guide

Critical Race Theory has become the biggest controversial issue pitting conservative America against the liberal left and Critical Race Theory legal scholars. At the grassroots level, school boards and educators are defending themselves against accusations of, among other things, indoctrinating young children with racist ideas that are turning them against white people and America. Despite the extensive coverage, a Reuter/Ipsos poll found that 57% of adults are not familiar with the term Critical Race Theory (Lawrence, 2021). As Republican legislators scramble to ban CRT from K-12, many educators insist that their curricula don’t include CRT-related discussions, and scholars maintain that …