The Brains of K-12 Students Come Prewired for EdTech

Forget the books. Save your paper and pencils for Art Projects. Generation Z students, born in the late 1990s to the present, have grown up with Laptops, iPads, and smartphones. Their brains have evolved to process more information at faster speeds than previous generations of learners. Getting and keeping their attention presents a challenge, yet we tend to ignore what triggers their motivation. We talk at them and hand them a thick textbook full of words. What differentiates the human brain is its neocortex, the frontal lobe which can absorb and store more bits of information than the brains of …

Why Teachers Should Embrace Technology in Their Classrooms

By Matthew Lynch Teachers have a lot on their plate when it comes to measuring achievement. Student success is determined by assessments, graded materials and even technological savvy. The consensus seems to be that to give K-12 students a fighting chance in the real world, teachers and administrators must stay on top of any and all technology trends. While it’s impossible to use every piece of technology to the students’ advantage, there are some legitimate reasons (aside from the cool factor) that teachers should embrace technology in their classrooms. At-risk students Technology has made it possible for students who fall …

3 Ways Mobile Technology Boosts Instruction

The conversation about the benefits of mobile technology is often centered on students. What do students get out of adopting mobile technology? But shouldn’t there also be a discussion about educator preference? After all, an Education Market Research post shows that educator enjoyment of technology is a major contributing factor to its ever-growing use in the classroom. The debate is always student-centric but for these students to excel, teachers need to thrive too. This means administrative plans beyond simply purchasing mobile devices, or implementing bring-your-device policies that include teacher empowerment of the technology. Mobile technology has potential to change the …

The 5 Obstacles You Must Overcome As a Tech-Savvy Educator

As amazing an impact as technology can have on education, modern digital resources are unfortunately far from evenly available. Do you know what technological poverty can look like? Do you know what causes lie behind it? Below, we’ve listed the top five most common barriers to introducing technology to the classroom. 1. The Digital Divide Earlier in this chapter, we looked at the digital divide and broke it down by race, class, and gender. The digital divide is considered one of the biggest barriers to introducing technology into the classroom. All students are expected to have computer skills, and often …

10 Ways that Edtech is Transforming Education

Technology has greatly impacted the way we do things—from how we shop for basic necessities to how we conduct business with people around the world. It’s no wonder that technology has altered education, too. In fact, here are 10 ways that edtech has changed education. Communication Through email and text messages, teachers communicate with parents and students faster and easier. Teachers can send out homework reminders, progress reports, and assignments with the touch of a button. The increased level of communication helps parents stay informed about their children’s schooling and students stay informed on what assignments are due. Differentiated Instruction …