Learning Management Systems For Computer Software Industry

As the pace of technological innovation continues to accelerate, the computer software industry faces a unique set of challenges in keeping its workforce knowledgeable and skilled. To address these challenges, many organizations turn to Learning Management Systems (LMS). An LMS is software that facilitates the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses or training programs. For software companies, an LMS is not just a tool; it’s a critical infrastructure that helps in creating a culture of continuous learning and development. A well-implemented LMS can help software companies manage complex training programs that are often required to keep employees …

How I Use Instagram in High School Language Arts

Introduction: As a high school language arts teacher, it is important to always look for ways to engage students in their learning and connect it to the world around them. One platform that has surprisingly proven effective in achieving this is Instagram. What started as a simple photo-sharing app has now become a useful tool that I often incorporate into my language arts curriculum. In this article, I will discuss how I use Instagram in high school language arts, its benefits, and some tips on how you can do the same. Creating Classroom Community: Firstly, Instagram helps build a sense …

It’s Time To Rethink Using These 3 Classic Books in High School English

Introduction: High school English classes have long been a breeding ground for debate on the relevance and value of the books assigned. While certain works of literature have remained timeless and hold significant merit, there are a few that no longer resonate with today’s students. It’s time to reconsider the inclusion of these three classic books in high school English curriculums. 1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is an iconic novel, often considered essential reading due to its themes of racial injustice and moral growth. However, some argue that it merely centers …

Best Scholarship Opportunities for Future Teachers

Education is the foundation of a thriving society, and it’s a noble profession that countless passionate individuals pursue each year. Aspiring teachers often require financial aid to complete their academic journey, and scholarships provide a source of assistance without incurring any debt. This article highlights the best scholarship opportunities for future teachers pursuing their dreams. 1. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant The TEACH Grant supports students committed to teaching in low-income areas or schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families. Available through the U.S. Department of Education, this grant offers up to …

Why Standardized Tests Don’t Measure Educational Quality

Standardized tests do not measure educational quality. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the most important is that standardized tests are not designed to measure educational quality. Standardized tests are designed to measure how well students have learned the material on the test. However, this is not always the best way to measure educational quality. For example, if a student is very talented in a subject, they may not do well on a test that is specifically designed to measure their knowledge in that subject. On the other hand, if a student is not very good at …

The Future Of Education And Technology

Most people believe that the future of education and technology is bright. The development of new and innovative technologies has made learning fun and engaging for students of all ages. Additionally, online learning has made it possible for students to get the education they need without ever having to leave their homes. However, there are also some skeptics who believe that the future of education and technology is not as rosy as many people believe. They argue that the development of these technologies has come at the expense of traditional learning methods, such as face-to-face teaching. Furthermore, they maintain that …

How to Maximize the Value of EdTech Certifications

Educational technology certifications are valuable investments for educators. They help educators demonstrate their proficiency in specific areas of educational technology and can lead to better job prospects. Before investing in an educational technology certification, be sure to research which certifications are the most valuable for your career. Certifications from respected organizations, such as the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), can provide educators with significant value. Once you have chosen a certification, be sure to study for and pass the certification exam. Certifications from respected organizations, such as the ISTE, typically require candidates to score at least 70% on …

Screen Mirroring, Screencasting and Screen Sharing in Higher Education

Collaboration, active learning, flexibility, personalization and learner-educator communication are the primary elements that drive the design of the contemporary classroom. Among the technologies integrated into the academic environment come the abilities of screencasting, screen sharing and screen mirroring.  Often referred to as wireless presentation solutions, these technologies will usually be supported by an app and device that lets the user – both educators and learners – conveniently share content on a screen larger than the device they use. The content can be projected to the front of a classroom or lecture theatre, facilitating presentations.  Let’s take a more in-depth look …

4 Blunders that Professors Make with Tech

Implementing tech in the classroom can be a learning process even for professors at the higher education level. It can lead to frustration and misuse of the devices, particularly when professors aren’t well trained. As a result, many mistakes might be made with the new tech that can significantly impact learners. Here are four of the mistakes that professors often make when it comes to using new tech.  Not Making Use of Tech Many universities and colleges have plenty of tech at their disposal. From laptops to tablets, there are many options to choose from. Unfortunately, most professors will continue …

4 Blunders that Higher Ed Administrators Make with Tech

Although most people might imagine that professors make many edtech mistakes, they forget the necessity of higher education administrators. They set the tone for the school and lead by example. They must understand how to implement tech properly, but most of them still make some mistakes. Take a look at these top four mistakes that higher education administrators are making with tech.  They Don’t Understand Tech Higher education administrators are the ones in charge of making purchasing decisions. They should understand how to use the products they purchase before deciding to implement them in the classroom. This helps administrators to …