Should Parents Be Held Responsible for School Shootings?

Parents play a crucial role in the upbringing of their children, instilling values, teaching right from wrong, and ideally setting boundaries that contribute to the development of responsible young adults. However, when tragedies such as school shootings occur, the question arises: should parents be held responsible for these horrific acts carried out by their children?

The notion of parental responsibility in the context of school shootings is not without precedent. In some jurisdictions, for example, there are Child Access Prevention (CAP) laws that hold gun owners accountable if a child gains inappropriate access to a firearm resulting in harm or death. These laws are predicated on the assumption that adults have a duty to ensure firearms are stored safely away from children and that failing to do so contributes to tragedies.

On the ethical side, saddling parents with legal responsibility for shootings committed by their children presupposes that parents have direct control or knowledge over their child’s actions. This may not always be true, especially with teenagers who often seek an identity outside of their family’s influence. Adolescents experience a range of social pressures and mental health issues that can contribute to unpredictable behavior, much of which can occur outside the home environment and without parental cognizance.

Nevertheless, arguments for parental liability often stem from the belief that monitoring children’s behavior and securing potential weapons can prevent such disasters. Advocates of this view hold that parents should be aware of warning signs, such as behavioral issues or an unhealthy interest in firearms. Critics contest that many parents might lack the resources or knowledge to identify such signs or effectively intervene.

The complexity deepens when mental health considerations are taken into account. Many school shooters have been later found to suffer from psychological disorders. While it could be argued that parents should recognize and seek help for their mentally ill child, obtaining mental health care is not always straightforward due to systemic barriers or social stigma associated with mental health treatment.

Legally charging parents also raises questions about fairness and justice. If parents were unaware of their child’s intentions, holding them criminally responsible could be seen as unjust. Moreover, such an approach might not provide solutions but instead add additional layers of pain: punishing grief-stricken families who have not only lost a child but must now face legal consequences due to actions they might not have foreseen nor endorsed.

In summary, while there is merit in ensuring adult gun owners secure their weapons and in recognizing the significant influence that parental guidance has on a young person’s development, holding parents legally responsible for school shootings is fraught with legal, ethical, and practical complexities. It brings forward difficult questions about predictability of behavior, accessibility of mental health care, and effective preventative measures. Thus the debate continues as society seeks effective strategies to mitigate these devastating events without unjustly blaming those also impacted by the tragedy.

Here is How I Would Fix K-12 Education

K-12 education is the foundation of a child’s intellectual and social development, and it lays the groundwork for their future success. As an essential aspect of society’s well-being, its constant improvement should be a priority. Here is how I would fix K-12 education to both address current challenges and prepare students for the ever-evolving future.

Firstly, I would emphasize equal access to quality education. Every child, regardless of their socioeconomic background or geographic location, deserves access to excellent teachers, resources, and facilities. To achieve this, I would advocate for increased funding in under-resourced schools and support policies that promote equal educational opportunities.

Secondly, I would focus on teacher training and support. Educators are at the heart of the education system, and they must be equipped with contemporary teaching practices that embrace technology and diversity. Professional development programs should be readily available and ongoing to help teachers keep up with new methods and research in pedagogy.

Moreover, curriculum reform is crucial. The content taught in K-12 schools should reflect not only the basics but also modern themes such as digital literacy, critical thinking, financial literacy, environmental science, and health education. The curriculum should be dynamic and interdisciplinary, allowing students to see connections between subjects and real-world applications.

To cater to diverse learning needs, personalized learning plans would be integrated into every school’s approach. By utilizing technology to track progress and tailor instruction to individual needs, educators can ensure each student progresses at their optimal pace.

Additionally, the traditional model of assessment through high-stakes testing should be revamped. Instead of focusing on rote memorization and standardized tests as primary measures of success, a diverse set of assessment tools should be implemented — projects, portfolios, peer reviews — offering a more comprehensive picture of student skills and understanding.

To foster well-rounded development, extracurricular activities should be expanded. With more options in sports, arts, technology clubs, and community service projects integrated into standard programs ensures all students have an opportunity to explore their interests deeply.

Enhancing family and community engagement is also key to a successful K-12 system. Parents and community members should be welcomed as partners in education through regular communication and involvement opportunities at schools.

Finally yet importantly,’ holistic learning environments must be encouraged—spaces where physical health, mental health, nutrition advice are all foregrounded; these elements boosts both wellbeing cognitive performance.

Implementing these fixes will require collaboration among educators, policymakers’, parents,’ students themselves—but result could transformative: well-rounded individuals equipped challenges 21st century ready contribute positively society large.

7 Fun & Free Resources From EVERFI for Grades K-12


Teachers and parents are always looking for valuable educational resources to help their students and children reach their full potential. One organization that truly understands this need is EVERFI. Dedicated to delivering innovative, engaging, and free online resources, EVERFI’s platform is designed for students in grades K-12. In this article, we will explore seven fun and interactive resources provided by EVERFI.

1. Vault – Understanding Money (Grades 4-6)

vault is a comprehensive financial literacy program that teaches essential money management skills to students in grades 4-6. The modules focus on budgeting, saving, responsible spending, and more! Using interactive games and real-life scenarios, Vault helps young students develop responsible financial habits early on.

2. The Compassion Project (Grades 2-4)

The Compassion Project is specifically designed to build empathy in young learners while encouraging positive social behaviors. Inclusive lessons with diverse characters engage students in discussions related to understanding emotions, managing stress, conflict resolution, and practicing compassion.

3. Ignition – Digital Wellness & Safety (Grades 6-9)

In this digital age, it’s critical for middle school students to master online safety skills. Ignition teaches them about digital footprints, online privacy protection, and the potential consequences of irresponsible social media use. Interactive lessons encourage responsible navigation of the digital world.

4. FutureSmart (Grades 6-8)

FutureSmart equips middle school students with the knowledge and tools required to make smart financial decisions throughout their lives. Topics include budgeting, savings plans, credit scores, investment risks and rewards. Additionally, FutureSmart prepares students to plan for college expenses or vocational training expenses.

5. Prescription Drug Safety (Grade 9)

Prescription Drug Safety educates high school students about taking prescription drugs responsibly and addresses the dangers of misuse. This resource provides a comprehensive understanding of how drugs can lead to dependence and addiction while empowering young people to make informed choices for their well-being.

6. Venture – Entrepreneurial Expedition (Grades 7-10)

Venture teaches students valuable business and entrepreneurial skills needed to start and run a successful enterprise. They learn how to develop a business plan, create marketing strategies, manage finances, and build growth potential in a highly engaging and interactive environment.

7. 306 – African American History (Grades 9-12)

306 offers an extensive journey through African American history and heritage. Students explore cultural, political, and social events that have shaped America from the Civil War era to the Civil Rights Movement. Interactive lessons allow students to engage with pivotal figures like Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., and many more.


EVERFI’s diverse range of resources provides students in grades K-12 with the opportunity to develop essential life skills in a fun and engaging manner. Teachers and parents can rely on EVERFI’s high-quality content to supplement learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom, creating well-rounded individuals prepared for the future.

21 Strategies to Help Students Who Cannot Finish Sentences or Express Complete Thoughts When Writing

Are you looking for strategies to help students who cannot finish sentences or express complete thoughts when writing? If so, keep reading.

1. Embody writing in finished sentences or thoughts in legible handwriting for the learner to mimic.

2. After the learner proofreads their written work, have them explain why specific sentences do or do not express finished thoughts.

3. Assess whether the learner uses finished sentences or expresses finished thoughts when speaking. Proficiency in spoken language typically precedes and influences the type of language used in written work.

4. Ask questions that encourage language. Refrain from those that can be answered by yes/no or a nod of the head (e.g., “What did you do at recess?” instead of “Did you play on the slide?” or “Tell me about your vacation.” instead of” Did you remain home over the holidays?”).

5. Give the learner shorter tasks while increasing the quality of expectations.

6. Inspect the learner’s written work at several points throughout the task to make sure the learner is using finished sentences and thoughts in legible handwriting.

7. Give exercises for making sentences out of non-sentence groups of words.

8. Provide the learner a group of related words (e.g., author, read, love, best-seller, etc.) and have them make up a paragraph including all the words. Place emphasis on the use of finished sentences or thoughts in legible handwriting.

9. Select a topic for a paragraph or story and alternate writing sentences with the learner to give a regular model of the components of a finished sentence.

10. Give the learner clearly stated criteria for acceptable work (e.g., neatness, finished sentences, legible handwriting, etc.).

11. Ask the parents to encourage the learner’s use of finished sentences and thoughts, both oral and written, by praising them when these are used at home.

12. Urge the learner to read written work aloud to help find unfinished sentences and thoughts.

13. Create levels of expectations for quality handwriting performance and require the learner to correct or repeat tasks until the expectations are met.

14. Provide the learner a factual statement (e.g., some animals are dangerous) and have them compose several finished sentences relating to that concept.

15. Ensure that the learner knows the types of errors made when writing (e.g., not finishing sentences or thoughts, writing too big or small, etc.).

16. Provide the learner a notecard to keep at their desk to serve as a reminder that all sentences must have a subject and a verb.

17. Provide the learner scrambled words and have them put them in the correct order to form a finished sentence.

18. Provide the learner several short sentences and have them combine them to make one longer finished sentence (e.g., “The cat is big. The cat is brown. the cat is mine.” becomes “The big, brown cat is mine.”).

19. Get several students to build a sentence while someone writes it down (e.g., The first one starts with a word such as “I.” The next learner adds the second word, such as “like.” This process continues as long as possible to create one long, finished sentence.).

20. Select a peer to model writing in finished sentences or thoughts for the learner. Designate the students to work together, perform tasks together, etc.

21. Consider using one of the apps on one of our best writing apps lists:

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 31 Grammar & Writing Apps, Tools & Resources

Ten Apps to Help Students Develop Writing Skills

10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Elementary School Students

11 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for High School Students

10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Middle School Students

18 Strategies to Help Students Who Mangle Words or Sounds While Speaking

Are you looking for strategies to help students who mangle words or sounds while speaking? If so, keep reading.

1. Get the learner’s hearing reviewed if it has not been recently reviewed.

2. Ensure that the learner can hear the difference between words as they should be pronounced and the way words sound when incorrectly pronounced (sounds distorted).

3. Get the learner to raise or clap hands when they hear the target sound pronounced during a sequence of isolated sound pronunciations (e.g., Isl, /sh/,/r/, /m/, Ir/, It/, /Id, Ir/, /zl, lwl, /n/, /r/, etc.).

4. Utilize a puppet to pronounce targeted words correctly and incorrectly. The learner earns a sticker for correctly differentiating a set number of correct/incorrect pronunciations the puppet makes.

5. Get the learner to stand up every time they hear targeted words pronounced accurately as contrasted with inaccurate pronunciations (e.g., shoup, soup, soup, shoup, soup, etc.).

6. Get the learner to show thumbs-up every time targeted words are pronounced accurately when images are tagged and thumbs-down if targeted words are pronounced inaccurately.

7. Using images of similar sounding words, say each word and have the learner point to an appropriate image (e.g., run and one, bat and back).

8. Get the learner to tally the number of correct pronunciations of targeted words when the teacher or a peer reads a list of words.

9. Get the learner to read simple passages and record them. Then have the learner listen to the recording and mark incorrect and correct pronunciations.

10. Get the learner to cut out images of things depicting the targeted words and display them where they can be practiced each day.

11. Record a random monologue given by the learner. Get them to listen to the recording and count incorrect and correct pronunciations. The teacher should also listen to the recording. The teacher and the learner should juxtapose their analyses of the pronunciations.

12. Get the learner to read a list of words and rate their pronunciation after each word.

13. Select a peer to model correctly pronouncing targeted words for the learner.

14. Organize a game such as Simon Says in which the learner tries to mimic the targeted words when pronounced by the teacher or peers.

15. Using images of similar sounding words, have the learner say each word as the teacher points to an image (e.g., run and one, bat and back).

16. Read The Edvocate’s Guide to K-12 Speech Therapy.

17. Consider using a language development app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

18. Consider using an assistive technology designed to support students with articulation disorder.

17 Strategies to Help Students Who Use Improper Verb Tenses While Speaking

Are you looking for strategies to help students who use improper verb tenses wile speaking? If so, keep reading.

1. After recording the learner’s speech, have them find the incorrect verb tenses and make appropriate corrections.

2. Ascertain the type of grammatical model to which the learner is exposed at home. Without placing negative connotations on the parents’ grammatical style, explain the difference between standard and nonstandard grammar.

3. Get the learner to choose a verb to master. As the learner masters the correct use of the verb, they put it on a list with a star and select another verb to master.

4. Encourage the parents to urge the learner’s correct use of verb tenses at home by praising them when appropriate verb tenses are used.

5. Copy a paragraph that is in the present tense. Spotlight the verbs and have the learner change all the verbs to past and/or future tense. This learning experience could be finished orally or in written form.

6. Ascertain if the learner’s errors are the result of dialectical differences (i.e., the pattern of verb tense usage may not be atypical within their social group).

7. Praise those students in the classroom who use verb tenses correctly.

8. Utilize a private signal (e.g., hand over shoulder/past tense, pointing forward/future tense, etc.) to remind the learner to use correct verb tense.

9. Throughout the day, write down specific verb tense errors pronounced by the learner. Read the sentences to the learner and have them make appropriate corrections orally.

10. Explain that changes must be made in a verb to indicate when an event happened (e.g., past, present, future).

11. Provide the learner a sentence and have them change it from present to past, past to present, future to past, etc.

12. When the class is engaged in several learning activities , describe your observations using the present tense. Get students to do likewise. Expand this learning experience to include past and future tenses by asking appropriate questions (e.g., “What just happened?” “What were you doing?” “What will you do next?”).

13. Select a peer to practice verb tenses with the learner. Each tense should be used in a sentence rather than only conjugating the verbs.

14. Get the learner to assist in correcting other students’ written work, looking for errors in verb tenses.

15. Ascertain whether the learner has appropriate sequencing skills. The concept of sequencing influences comprehension of verb tense (e.g., Can the learner answer questions using first, next, then, etc.? Do they use such vocabulary when speaking even though verb tenses are incorrect?). Get the learner to list learning activities they did when little, learning activities the learner can do now, and things they will be able to do when grown up. Place emphasis on appropriate verb tenses during this learning experience.

16. Consider using a language arts app. Click here to view a list of recommended apps.

17. Consider using a language development app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

28 Ways to Ensure That You and Your Students Are on the Same Page

Are you looking for ways to ensure that you and your students are on the same page? If so, keep reading.

1. Make it pleasant and positive for the learner to ask questions about things not grasped. Praise the learner by assisting, congratulating, etc.

2. Minimize distractions to enable the learner’s capacity and ability to listen and follow instructions.

3. Make instructions important to the learner. Attempt to relate instructions to past experiences.

4. Praise the learner for answering oral questions and instructions without requiring frequent repetition: (a) give the learner a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the line, handing out learning materials, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the learner an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

5. Praise those students in the classroom who respond to oral questions and instructions without requiring repetition.

6. Jot down oral instructions. Train the learner to cross each step off as it is finished.

7. Reward other students for listening, following instructions, and answering oral questions.

8. Give instructions/directions that will accommodate various learning styles (e.g., visual, auditory, etc.).

9. Create a written list of procedures the learner is to follow (e.g., how to tag papers, format for mathematic tasks, etc.).

10. Reward the learner (e.g., a break, visit briefly with a peer, etc.) for keeping eye contact and listening for a specific length of time.

11. Plan essential learning activities /tasks/ lectures at times when the learner is most likely to keep attention (e.g., one hour after medication, 45 minutes after lunch, first thing in the morning, etc.).

12. Utilize images, diagrams, the smartboard, and gestures when delivering information.

13. Converse with the learner to explain (a) what they are doing wrong (e.g., needing oral questions and instructions repeated) and (b) what they must be doing (e.g., answering oral questions and instructions without requiring repetition).

14. Inform the learner what to listen for when being given instructions, receiving information, etc.

15. Record the tasks and let the learner listen to instructions/instructions as often as appropriate.

16. Teach and practice “active listening” skills. Train the learner to listen to what another person is saying and respond based on the information received.

17. Teach and practice efficient communication skills. These skills include listening, keeping eye contact, and maintaining positive body language.

18. Inform the learner that oral questions and instructions will be given only once.

19. Give instructions/instructions on a one-to-one basis before assigning a task.

20. Praise the learner for answering oral questions and instructions without requiring repetition based on the number of times the learner can be successful. As the learner shows success, slowly increase the number of times required for reinforcement.

21. Teach the learner instruction-following skills (e.g., listen carefully, write down steps, etc.).

22. Separate at several points during the presentation of directions, explanations, or instructions to check the learner’s comprehension of the information given.

23. Utilize a timer to help the learner know how much time they have to follow through with instructions.

24. When ideas are presented, have the learner listen and takes notes for “Who, What, Where, On occasions where, How, and Why.”

25. Draft an agreement with the learner stipulating what behavior is required (e.g., following instructions with one signal) and which reinforcement will be implemented regarding when the agreement has been met.

26. Consider using a classroom management app to help the student understand what is expected of them. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

27. Consider using Alexa to help you with classroom management. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

28. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

26 Strategies to Help Students Who Do Not Understand Instructions and Directions

Are you looking for strategies to help students who do not understand instructions and directions? If so, keep reading.

1. Play games that teach listening skills.

2. Provide instructions in a compassionate rather than a menacing manner (e.g., “Please listen to the instructions,” rather than, “You had better listen!”).

3. Converse with the learner before going into a school assembly or cooperative learning experience and remind the learner of the importance of listening to and following instructions.

4. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, and instructions they do not understand.

5. Provide all instructions, questions, and explanations in a clear, concise manner and at an appropriate rate for the learner.

6. Show an appropriate way to listen to and follow instructions.

7. Urge parents to take advantage of dinner and other family-gathering times to converse and practice keeping attention.

8. Take the learner away from the situation (e.g., at a school assembly, when a guest speaker is present, etc.) until they can demonstrate self-control and follow instructions.

9. Train the learner to carry a notepad with them at all times. Urge them to write information down to help them keep attention.

10. Make sure you have the learner’s full attention when you are talking to him/her. Stand near the learner, keep eye contact, and have the learner repeat the information.

11. Do not reinforce the learner’s unacceptable behavior by laughing when they have not listened to instructions.

12. Ascertain whether the learner heard a direction by having the learner repeat it.

13. Teach and practice information-gathering skills (e.g., listen carefully, write down essential points, ask for clarification, wait until all information is presented before starting a task, etc.).

14. Minimize the emphasis on competition in the classroom. Competition may cause the learner to begin a learning experience before hearing all of what is said.

15. Create rules for listening to and following instructions (e.g., listen when someone is giving instructions, ask questions about instructions if they are not grasped, etc.). These rules should be consistent and followed by everyone in the classroom. Talk about the rules often.

16. Assist the learner in listening to and following instructions by reducing distractions.

17. Minimize distracting stimuli (e.g., noise and motion in the classroom) to enable the learner’s capacity and ability to listen successfully.

18. Urge the learner to write down oral instructions.

19. Place emphasis on or repeat keywords, due dates, quantity, etc.

20. Utilize several modalities to accommodate more than one learning style (e.g., visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) when presenting instructions, explanations, and instructional content .

21. Consider using a classroom management app to help the student follow directions and instructions . Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

22. Consider using Alexa to help you with classroom management. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

23. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

24. Read this article that we wrote on developing listening comprehension skills.

25. Read this article that we wrote explaining why verbal comprehension skills are important to academic success.

26. Read this article that we wrote on what you should do when your child struggles with verbal comprehension.

14 Strategies to Help Students Improve Their Critical Thinking Skills

Are you looking for strategies to help students improve their critical thinking skills? If so, keep reading.

1. Provide the learner duties that require logical thinking (e.g., designate the learner to water plants and give a watering can and a glass, telling the learner to use the most appropriate container, etc.).

2. Every day, give the learner problem-solving situations that require logical thinking (e.g., “A stranger takes you by the arm in a department store. What do you do?” “You see smoke coming out of a neighbor’s house and no one is home. What do you do?” etc.).

3. Make sure the learner experiences the consequences of their behavior (e.g., appropriate behavior results in positive consequences while unacceptable behavior results in negative consequences).

4. Give the learner a list of questions involving logic to answer orally (e.g., “Why do we post ‘wet’ paint signs?” “Why do we have stop signs at intersections?” “Why do we wear seat belts?” etc.).

5. On occasions where something is broken, lost, etc., have the learner find what could have been done to prevent the situation. Talk with the learner about the value of properly keeping and organizing learning materials.

6. Get the learner to read stories involving a moral (e.g., The Tortoise and the Hare, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, etc.) and explain the reason for the outcome of the story.

7. Get the learner to read short stories without endings and require the learner to create logical endings for the stories.

8. Provide the learner situations/images and have them explain what variables are related (e.g., “Snow is falling, and the wind is blowing: Is the temperature hot or cold? What should you wear outdoors?”).

9. Get the learner to sequence rearranged cartoon strips and explain the logic of the sequence they created.

10. Provide the learner fill-in-the-blank statements requiring an appropriate response from multiple-choice possibilities (e.g., “The boy’s dog was dirty, so the boy decided to give his dog a _ [ dog biscuit, bath, toy].”).

11. Present the learner with images of dangerous situations and have them explain why they are dangerous (e.g., a child running into the street from between parked cars, a child riding a bicycle without using their hands, etc.).

12. Utilize cause-and-effect relationships as they relate to nature and people. Talk about what led up to a specific situation in a story or an image and what could happen next, etc.

13. Consider using an education app designed to help students improve their critical thinking skills. Click here to view our list of recommended apps.

14. Consider using edtech to encourage students to work on their critical thinking skills. Here is an article that we wrote on the subject.

21 Strategies to Help Students Sharpen Their Organizational Skills

Are you looking for strategies to help you sharpen your students organizational skills?  If so, keep reading.

  1. Demonstrate organization and appropriate use of learning materials (e.g., putting learning materials away before retrieving others, having a space for all learning materials, keeping an organized desk area, following the daily schedule, etc.).
  2. Let logical consequences happen (e.g., work not done during work time must be made up during leisure time, learning materials not maintained will be lost) because of the learner’s failure to organize or use learning materials appropriately.
  3. Let the student finish a learning experience unless it is troublesome to the schedule.
  4. Assess the clarity and quality of directions, explanations, and instructions given to the learner.
  5. Designate a peer to work with the learner on specific learning activities to make sure the learner has the learning materials appropriate to do the learning experience.
  6. Urge the learner to create a routine (schedule) of asking themselves, “Do I have everything?” before leaving home each morning.
  7. Get the learner to leave the appropriate learning materials at specific learning experience areas.
  8. Support the learner in discovering a system of organization that works best for them (e.g., subject folders, tabbed binder, checklist, etc.).
  9. Connect with parents to disseminate information about the learner’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for being prepared/organized for specific learning activities at school.
  10. Create monthly calendars to keep track of essential activities, due dates, tasks, etc.
  11. Do not accept excuses. The learner must know that, regardless of the reasons, it is appropriate that they take responsibility for not turning in a math assignment, losing pencils, etc.
  12. Get the learner to record the number of times they are prepared/organized for specific learning activities.
  13. Urge the learner to gain an understanding of themselves and their surroundings. Train the learner to periodically step back and ask themselves, “What learning materials do I need to finish this task?” “Did I put my task in the correct folder?”
  14. Get the learner to list five attributes of an organized person. Get the learner to select one of those attributes to work on each week for five weeks.
  15. Urge the learner to keep the appropriate learning materials for specific learning activities together (e.g., gym clothes in a gym bag in the car, backpack with all school-related learning materials by the door, etc.).
  16. Minimize distracting stimuli (e.g., place the learner on the front row, give the learner a table or quiet space away from distractions, etc.). This is used as a way to get rid of distracting stimuli, not as a punishment.
  17. Urge the learner to manage their everyday lives as if they were self-employed. This should increase their motivation to be organized and fulfill their duties.
  18. Urge the learner to put objects that should be taken to school in a designated space (e.g., by the door, at the bottom of the stairs, etc.).
  19. Select various people (e.g., counselor, paraprofessional, peer, etc.) to help the learner keep the organization of tasks, learning materials,  etc., at school.
  20. Give the learner an appropriate space to store/secure personal items (e.g., desk, locker, closet, etc.). Make the learner put away all items when not in use.
  21. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.