The Differences Between a Phone, Phoneme And an Allophone

To understand the differences between these three terms, you need to know what each of them means. So we will take a look at the terms and explain each of them. We need to mention these three terms are used in phonology and phonetics, which are part of linguistics, the study of languages. What is a Phone? This is the actual sound of a word that you can hear and is represented in phonology with square brackets surrounding it. In this part of the phonetics study, it is the part that studies how humans make the sound of a specific …

The Difference Between Vowels and Diphthongs

Vowels and diphthongs are examples of different linguistic elements that we use daily, whether we realize it or not. Other elements you might have heard of could include digraphs, monographs, or phonemes. Each of these different elements plays a crucial role in language and the composition of our speech. Today, we’ll focus on vowels and diphthongs, which are two linguistic elements that go hand-in-hand. Describing the Vowel The English language has five different vowels, with a more rarely considered sixth. These are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. The rest of the letters of the alphabet are considered …

The Difference Between Tone and Intonation

Linguistics is a fascinating subject that can often be confusing, especially as language rules can often contradict each other. That being said, tone and intonation are two concepts that are often confused with one another. Today, we will be pointing out some of the key differences so that you can easily differentiate between these two confusingly similar concepts. However, before we begin, if you are interested in developing your language skills, look at some of these apps and tools. At a Glance The confusion between these two concepts primarily comes from how complicated linguistics can be as a subject. There …

A Guide to Content Words

Every word in English belongs to one of the eight parts of speech. Every word is either a content word or a function word. Let’s talk about what these two types mean: Content Words vs. Function Words Content = info, meaning Function = necessary words for grammar Content words give us the essential info while function words are used to connect those words together. Content Word Types Content words are typically nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Nouns tell us which object; a verb tells us about the action occurring. Adjectives give us details about people and objects, and adverbs tell …

Using Choral Responses as a Tool for Teaching Multilingual Learners

Choral responses are a  tool for teaching a different language to a class. Choral responses are the oral response to a prompt. In the classroom setting, you might hear a teacher saying phrases like “repeat after me” or “say it with me.” These prompts encourage all students to respond together at the same time. Benefits of Using Choral Response One of the benefits of using choral responses is that it provides an opportunity to practice a different language. The learning of a language is enhanced by practicing. Students become comfortable saying words and expressions, which builds their confidence in speaking …

The Author’s Chair: The Final Step in the Writing Process

Teaching writing skills to students has to do with a lot more than putting words and sentences together. Once students have mastered grammar and narrative writing, they have to learn to present their ideas in front of an audience. Using a technique known as the “Author’s Chair,” students, both young and old, will get the chance to build the courage and confidence to share their ideas with other people. What is it? A step in the writing process called the Author’s Chair comes after all writing is done. After all revisions, edits, and rewrites, the writer will have the opportunity …

A Guide to Dual-Language Education

Schools all over the world teach their students using dual-language educational programs. These institutes are designed to meet the needs and wants of students who are not proficient in the home language of the country in which they live.  If you do not know what is meant by the term ‘dual-language,’ you have come to the right place. Below, we will be discussing exactly what dual-language education incorporates and a few of its primary forms and features.  What Is Dual-Language Education? Dual-language refers to educational programs that are taught in two different languages. This type of education has been around …

The Bilingual Advantage for Teachers

The world has become a global village. Giant strides in information and communication technology have now made it easier for organizations to conduct businesses over a wide area, often cutting across several countries with different languages. This means that the number of jobs that require employees to know more than one language keeps increasing. Hence, a lot of people are now becoming more aware of the need to know more than one language. As an educator, knowing more than one language is highly beneficial in a system that is characterized by coworkers and students from increasingly racial and ethnic diversity. …

3 Intervention Strategies for Language Arts

Reading and writing are core competencies that are necessary for basic functioning inside, and outside, the classroom. Despite this, there are still students who are falling behind or are not being reached by whole classroom instruction strategies. To help you reach these students, here are 3 strategies that can be used during intervention to bring struggling students back up to grade level in language arts. Paired Reading Paired reading is done between a proficient reader (such as a fellow student, parent, or teacher) and the struggling student. The accomplished reader and the student should read aloud together, and create a silent …

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Articulation Disorders

Are you the parent of a child with an articulation disorder, who is looking for answers to their questions? Well, look no further. In this article, we will provide answers to the 7 most frequently asked questions about articulation disorder. What is an Articulation Disorder? It is a disorder characterized by extraordinary challenges when it comes to forming the sounds of everyday communication. This may be due to a structural problem with the mouth or a motor-based issue. Collectively, these difficulties are considered to be articulation disorders. They can make classroom education extremely hard for both teachers and students. However, …