A Guide to Classroom and At-Home Accommodations for ESL Students

ESL is a method of language acquisition where students are placed in regular English-speaking classes for part of the school day and pulled out for intensive small-group language focus during other classes.  Are you an educator or parent searching for accommodations to help ESL students? Well, look no further. Here are some ways that you can make the learning process easier for ESL students. Classroom Accommodations: To succeed in the classroom, ESL students need access to appropriate supports, including: Allow extra time on tests Provide a quiet space to work Explicitly teach language objectives. Simplify the language used in instruction …

13 Highest Paid Language Teaching Jobs Online

pass or fail

Since the online teaching boom began a decade and a half ago, K-12 schools, universities, and corporations have all jumped on the elearning bandwagon. This, of course, has democratized and created flexible education options for the entire globe. Over the last decade, this trend has continued, with the language learning industry seeing the most growth. For instance, online language teachers command upwards of $30 per hour for their services, and this figure just keeps increasing. Are you a language teacher looking for a full-time or part-time online teaching job? Well, you are in luck, as we have composed a list …

How to Use Sheltered Instruction in the Classroom

Sheltered instruction is a strategic approach to teaching English language learners that allows learners to understand content as they develop language proficiency. To use sheltered instruction in the classroom, you have to implement the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model, which is a research-based model of sheltered instruction designed to allow English language learners to grasp academic content while developing language proficiency. The SIOP Model consists of eight interconnected parts: Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review & Assessment By leveraging instructional techniques connected to each of these parts, teachers can design and deliver lessons …

Critical Thoughts on Immersion and Language Learning

We live in a global, integrated society where perhaps more than ever before fluency in a foreign language is key to success and progress. The benefits are clear and measurable: It is becoming not just desirable, but essential to many professions. Fluency facilitates travel. It doesn’t matter if you are completely fluent; native people appreciate that you took the time to learn to converse in their language. Once you have learned a second language, the brain has memory skills called metalinguistic awareness that make learning another language easier. Speaking more than one language boosts the neural pathways of the brain, …