Making the Most of Compost

Making the most of composting is essential to a healthy environment and can help you save money on groceries. By using compost as a fertilizer, you can improve the soil quality of your garden, increase crop yields, and keep your yard looking tidy. To make the most of composting, you’ll need the right tools and supplies. A compost pile should be large enough to hold at least a week’s worth of compost ingredients and should be covered to prevent odors and pests from accessing the material. To start composting, mix the ingredients together in a pile and spread the mixture …

What Can You Learn in a Ph.D. Criminal Justice Program?

A Ph.D. in criminal justice is an advanced degree that can open new career opportunities. It is usually seen as a terminal degree, which pertains to the highest level of education available in this subject. As such, it is a great choice for those looking for a challenging and rewarding career in criminal justice The main focus of a Ph.D. criminal justice program is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the criminal justice system. This includes understanding the legal system and its processes and the roles of law enforcement, corrections, and the court system. Students will also learn …

20 Ways to Encourage Students to Exhibit Good Behavior During Group Games

Are you looking for ways to encourage students to exhibit good behavior during group games? If so, keep reading. 1. Make sure that the learner knows that interacting with peers in group games is contingent upon appropriate behavior. 2. Get the learner to practice appropriate interactions with the teacher(s) in group games. 3. Teach the learner appropriate ways to interact with peers in group games (e.g., suggest learning activities, share learning materials, problem-solve, take turns, follow game rules, etc.). 4. Observe group games closely, so peers with whom the learner interacts do not encourage unacceptable behavior. 5. Make sure that …

24 Ways to Teach Students Not to Blurt Out Answers During Class

Are you looking for ways to teach students not to blurt out answers during class? If so, keep reading. 1. Make sure that reinforcement is not provided for unacceptable behavior(e.g., paying attention to the learner only when they blurt out answers without being called on). 2. Praise the learner for raising their hand to be recognized. 3. Show the learner why they have been asked not to talk. 4. Give the learner a predetermined signal if they begin to blurt out answers without being called on. 5. Give constant, positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior. Ignore as many unacceptable behaviors as …

17 Genius Ways to Motivate Students Not to Fight with Their Peers

Are you looking for genius tricks to motivate students not to fight with peers? If so, keep reading. 1. Urge the learner to tell you about problems that happen with other students at school. 2. Make sure there will always be adult supervision where the learner is. 3. Do not force the learner to play with other students with whom they are not entirely comfortable. 4. Make sure the learner does not become involved in overstimulating learning activities. 5. Talk with the learner about individual differences and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of individuals the learner knows. Convey that the …

19 Strategies to Help Students to React Appropriately When Peers Attempt to Be Nice to Them

Are you looking for strategies to help students to react appropriately when peers attempt to be nice to them? If so, keep reading. 1. Let the learner be a member of a group without requiring active participation. 2. Teach the learner social interaction skills (e.g., ways to properly respond to others’ attempts to be friendly, complimentary, sympathetic, etc.). 3. Designate a peer to sit/work directly with the learner (e.g., in various settings or learning activities such as art, music, P. E.; on the bus; tutoring; group projects; running errands in the school building; break time; etc.). As the learner becomes …

The Fifth Human Need: Growth

There are a total of six emotional needs that need to be fulfilled in one way or another. These needs are basic to people, and we will do anything to get them. The first four needs are a certainty, variety, significance, and love and connection. The last two needs (growth and contribution) work together to achieve a higher level of fulfillment. Before a person can grow and contribute, all four of the previous needs have to be met. How to Achieve Growth To achieve growth, you have to pursue activities that encourage you to go beyond yourself. Here are some …