11 Unique Middle School Electives that Students and Teachers Love

Middle school is a valuable time for students to explore their interests and discover new passions. One way they can do this is through electives, which are optional classes that allow students to delve into subjects outside the standard curriculum. These creative, unique, and engaging electives have the potential to inspire and motivate both students and teachers. 1. Robotics Robotics gives students the chance to build, program, and operate their own robots using cutting-edge technology. This elective boosts critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills while introducing students to potential careers in engineering, computer science, and other STEM fields. 2. Film …

30 Short Story Prompts Guaranteed To Get Your Students’ Creating Juices Flowing

Introduction As educators, we strive to inspire our students to explore their imaginations and creativity through writing. One of the best ways to achieve this is through thought-provoking and engaging short story prompts. Whether it’s for a creative writing class, English class, or simply for pleasure, these 30 prompts are guaranteed to get your students’ creating juices flowing and help them produce their best work yet! 1. A mysterious door appears in a student’s bedroom; where does it lead? 2. Life looks different from the perspective of an ant; describe its adventures. 3. A character discovers that they can control …

Morning Meetings in Middle and High School

Morning meetings are a common and effective way for middle and high school students to start their day. By beginning the day with a structured and organized meeting, teachers can set the tone for a productive and successful day while promoting a positive and supportive school culture. One of the main benefits of morning meetings is that they allow teachers to review important information and expectations with their students. This can include announcements, updates on upcoming events or projects, and reminders about school policies or procedures. By providing this information at the beginning of the day, teachers can help ensure …

Flexible Seating in Middle School

Flexible seating in middle schools is a new and innovative approach to learning that is gaining popularity. Flexible seating allows students to choose where and how they want to work in the classroom, promoting a more personalized and student-centered approach to education. Traditionally, classrooms have been set up with rows of desks facing the teacher’s desk, but the flexible seating approach is increasingly challenging this model. With flexible seating, students can choose where to sit, whether at a traditional desk, a beanbag chair, a standing desk or even a yoga ball. This gives students control over their learning environment and …

Science Vocabulary Activities for Middle School

In middle school, students are expected to develop an understanding of science concepts and vocabulary. This can be accomplished through a variety of activities, including vocabulary activities. 1. Personal Glossary Have students take notes on key science vocabulary with a personal glossary! A helpful way to start a chapter is to front-load terms…and it’s simple! Have students keep a journal, you give the word and definition, and they draw an illustration. More Information: Differentiated Teaching 2. Concept Mapping This activity helps with concept building and is great for use at the end of a unit. This example is an ecosystem resource. …

Winter Activities that Middle School Students Will Love

Many middle school students love spending time outside in the winter, but they might not know about some of the fun activities that they can do. Here are five winter activities that middle school students will love: 1. Ice Skating: Many middle school students love skating on the ice, and there are many places where they can go to do this. There are also many beginner-friendly ice skating lessons that can be found online or in local communities. 2. Snowboarding: Snowboarding is another winter activity that many middle school students enjoy. It is a fun sport that can be enjoyed …

20 Festive Cinco de Mayo Activities for Middle School

Cinco de Mayo is an annual celebration that commemorates Mexico’s victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. It’s become a popular holiday in the United States and is celebrated with a variety of activities from parades to parties. If you’re looking for fun ways to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with your middle schoolers, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 20 festive Cinco de Mayo activities for middle school students. 1. Mexican culture scavenger hunt – Send your students on a scavenger hunt around their school or the neighborhood to find items related to Mexican …

30 Memorable Geography Activities for Middle School

Middle schoolers have a natural curiosity about the world around them, including the physical and cultural features of different regions. Exploring the world of geography through hands-on activities can help them better understand the cultural and physical features of different places. Here are 30 memorable geography activities to help middle schoolers bring the world to life. 1. Create a Map of Your School: Have students create a map of their school and its surrounding areas. Be sure to include physical and cultural features such as roads, rivers, parks, and buildings. 2. Geography Memory: Give each student a set of cards …

20 Effective Summarization Activities for Middle School

Summarizing is an important skill for middle schoolers to learn, both for reading comprehension and for effective writing. By helping students practice summarizing in the classroom, teachers can help create lifelong readers and writers. Here are 20 activities for middle school students to practice summarizing. 1. Summarizing Paragraphs: Give students a paragraph to read and have them rewrite the paragraph in their own words. 2. Multiple Choice Summaries: Provide students with multiple summary sentences and have them choose which one best summarizes the text. 3. Summarization Sentences: Give students a passage to read and have them write one sentence that …

20 Typing Activities for Middle School Students

Learning how to type quickly and accurately is an essential skill for middle school students. Not only will they need to type assignments and papers, but they will also need to be proficient in typing for future tests, college applications, and job applications. To help middle school students become more adept at typing, here are 20 activities they can do to hone their skills. 1. Alphabet Challenge: This is a great way to start off the typing journey. Have students type out the entire alphabet, challenging them to do it in a certain amount of time. 2. Word Challenge: Challenge …