The Ultimate New-Hire Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding new employees is a critical phase in the hiring process that can significantly influence employee success and retention. A comprehensive onboarding checklist ensures new hires are equipped with the necessary tools, information, and support to thrive in their new roles. Here’s the ultimate new-hire onboarding checklist to help your organization create a smooth and effective onboarding experience. Before the First Day: 1. Preparation of Workstation:    – Set up the new hire’s desk or workspace.    – Provide necessary technology, including a computer, phone, and any required software. 2. Access Provisioning:    – Create email accounts and any necessary …

Is It Better to Teach in a Public or Private School?

There are significant differences between public schools and private sector schools. When teachers apply for a job, they should know which school is more suitable for them. Qualifications Required You should know the educational qualifications that are needed to get a job at various schools. Public You need a Bachelor’s degree in Education to become a teacher in public schools. Language arts and mathematics concentrations are preferred. Private Teacher certification may not be required for private schools Diversity of Students The backgrounds of students in the class will influence your effectiveness as a teacher. Public Public schools must admit students …

Six Steps to Master Teaching: Becoming a Reflective Practitioner

Becoming a reflective practitioner is a key step in mastering the art of teaching. Reflective practice involves regularly reflecting on one’s teaching practices and strategies, aiming to improve and refine them over time. Here are six steps to becoming a reflective practitioner: 1. Set aside dedicated reflection time: To effectively reflect on your teaching practices, it’s important to set aside dedicated time for reflection. This can be done regularly, such as once a week or after each lesson, or less frequently, such as at the end of each term. 2. Consider your goals and objectives: When reflecting on your teaching …

Collaborating/Mentoring Teacher: Everything You Need to Know

This is a teacher that monitors and supervises aspiring teachers during their field experience placement. The mentor teacher is often an experienced teacher within the institution. The objective of mentor teachers is to provide aspiring and new teachers with support, advice, and guidance to improve their teaching skills. Mentoring works best when it’s performed as part of a structured developmental program. It may involve all or any of the following: ·         Identifying strengths and weaknesses ·         Identifying developmental needs and interests ·         Observing lessons and arranging peer observations …