Coaching Parents Who Are Teaching at Home

With the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents have taken on the role of homeschooling teachers. While this shift has been necessary, it can be overwhelming for some parents who may not feel confident in their teaching abilities. This guide will discuss some tips for coaches to help support and guide these parents in their new role. • Validate their feelings. Many parents are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure of their abilities to homeschool their children. As a coach, it is important to validate these feelings and provide a safe and non-judgmental space for parents to express their concerns. • Encourage open …

Tips for Engaging Parent Volunteers in the Classroom

Engaging parent volunteers in the classroom can be valuable to any teacher’s toolkit. Not only can these volunteers provide extra support for students, but they can also offer a unique perspective and bring new ideas to the table. However, getting parents to participate can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help you effectively engage parent volunteers in your classroom. • Communicate clearly and regularly with parents: Keeping parents informed and involved in their child’s education is crucial to building trust and getting them to participate. Make sure to send regular updates on what is happening in the classroom …

Educating Parents About Education

Education is a crucial aspect of a child’s development, and parents play a vital role in supporting their child’s educational journey. However, many parents lack the knowledge and resources to effectively support their child’s education. This can lead to a disconnect between parents and the educational system and negatively impact a child’s academic success. To address this issue, it is important to educate parents about education and provide them with the tools and resources they need to support their child’s learning. This can be accomplished through various methods, including parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and online resources. Parent-teacher conferences allow parents to …

7 Guiding Principles for Parents Teaching From Home

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread shift to remote learning, many parents have found themselves in the role of teacher, trying to navigate the challenges of homeschooling while balancing their work and household responsibilities. While homeschooling can be a rewarding experience, it can also be overwhelming. To help parents successfully teach from home, we’ve compiled a list of seven guiding principles to follow. 1. Establish a routine and schedule. One of the most important aspects of homeschooling is having a routine and a consistent schedule. This helps students stay organized, provides a structure for parents, and helps keep …

What Parents Want in School Communication

Parents play an important role in their children’s education, and effective communication between schools and families is crucial for student success. Schools that effectively communicate with parents provide important information and build trust and support. Here are the top seven things that parents want in school communication: • Regular Updates on their Child’s Progress: Parents want to know how their child is doing in school, both academically and socially. This information should be communicated regularly through progress reports or parent-teacher conferences. In addition, schools can use technology such as email, text messaging, or online portals to keep parents informed. • …

Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Parents

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is how individuals develop the skills and abilities to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, empathize with others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is an important aspect of a child’s development and significantly impacts their well-being and success. As a parent, you play a critical role in supporting your child’s social and emotional development. Children learn from what they see, and modeling emotional intelligence is one of the most powerful ways to help them develop their own. This means regulating emotions, expressing empathy, and positively resolving …

Tech Tips for Parent Newsletters

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, including the education of our children. Parents must stay informed and equipped with the latest tech tips as schools continue integrating technology into the classroom. Parent newsletters are a great way to keep parents informed and engaged in their children’s education. Here are some tech tips that can be included in parent newsletters to help them support their children’s technology use in the classroom. It’s important to educate parents on the importance of good digital citizenship. This includes teaching children to use technology responsibly and ethically, such as not engaging …

Developing Writing and Spelling at Home

As a parent, it’s important to help your child develop their writing and spelling skills at home. These skills are essential to their academic success and will be helpful throughout their lives. Here are some practical tips to help your child improve their writing and spelling. 1. Read aloud to your child Reading is essential to developing writing skills. Reading models good grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Reading aloud to your child promotes an interest in reading and helps children develop their comprehension skills. 2. Create a writing area Create a writing area in your home where your child can …

Writing and Spelling: Practical Ideas for Parents

As parents, we want our children to excel in their academics, including their writing and spelling skills. These skills are essential for their academic success and their future professional lives. Here are some practical ideas for parents to help their children develop strong writing and spelling skills. 1. Read aloud to your child Reading aloud to your child is an excellent way to boost their vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. It helps them to identify the proper use of grammar and sentence structures, and learn new words they can use in their writing. As you read, encourage your child to …

School-based Identification of Characteristics of Dyslexia: Parent Overview

Dyslexia is a common learning difference among children, affecting their ability to read and write proficiently. It is estimated that 10 to 15% of the population may have dyslexia, and early identification is essential for them to receive the support and resources they need. School-based identification of dyslexia is crucial in maintaining efficient learning and improving academic performance. As a parent, you may want to know more about the process of identifying dyslexia and how it affects your child’s learning. Identification of dyslexia in schools The process of identifying dyslexia in schools usually involves a combination of standardized assessments, observations, …