Next Generation Science Standards are Smart

Earlier this month California became the seventh state to adopt a new brand set of K-12 science outlines, dubbed Next Generation Science Standards, or NGSS. The “real world” approach to science mastery focuses on engineering, problem solving, modeling, and cause and effect experiments. Other states that are on-board with the science outlines are Maryland, Nevada, Kentucky, Kansas, Rhode Island and Vermont. The term “science standards” sounds like a positive one as far as learning is concerned, but do schools need really need another tier of learning accountability – and will students really benefi What are Next Generation Science Standards? Over …

K-12 Writing Standards: What Will it Take to Improve Them?

While global communication has grown and improved by leaps and bounds in the past two decades, the same cannot be said for K-12 writing skills. A new study released by Gary Troia at Michigan State University finds that K-12 writing standards are stagnant from a decade ago, along with student writing achievement. What’s more, Troia says that nearly 25 percent of K-12 students in the U.S. are not performing at a proficient writing level. He takes aim at the Common Core standards for writing and says that though some ideas are strong, others are still not asking enough of student …

What are the Working Conditions for a Veterinarian?

Becoming a veterinarian is a rewarding and challenging career choice. Veterinarians are responsible for the health and well-being of animals, and their work takes place in various settings, from clinics to farms. Veterinarians typically work long hours, sometimes up to 12 hours a day. They must remain on their feet for extended periods, which can lead to physical fatigue. Because of the unpredictable nature of their work, veterinarians may also be required to work nights and weekends. The environment in which veterinarians work can vary greatly depending on their specialty and the setting. Veterinary clinics are typically well-lit, airy, and …

The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Everything You Need to Know

In the month of June, 1963, President John F. Kennedy asked Congress for an all-inclusive civil rights bill. His move was induced by enormous resistance to desegregation and Medgar Evers’ murder. However, Kennedy was unable to get this bill passed in Congress. Following his assassination in November, President Johnson pressed hard with a stronger version of the bill. Thanks to the support of Clarence Mitchell and Roy Wilkins, the bill was finally passed on July 2, 1964, after the Senate witnessed one of the longest debates in its history. The Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination on the basis of color, …

Title I: Everything You Need to Know

This is the federal legislation that provides funds towards the improvement of the education of children from low-income backgrounds. Title I was created to help close academic gaps and ensure economically disadvantaged students get an equitable, fair, and high-quality education. Title I isn’t the only federal funding stream. There are other ‘Title’ funds – from I-VII, the goals of which are to help students who have burdens that may obstruct their access to an equitable education. These burdens include homelessness, poverty, living in remote rural districts, living in state-run institutions, and those who’re still learning the English language. For students …

Predicting the Future of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a framework that aims at analyzing the role of race and racism in society. It recognizes that racism is not just a product of individual prejudice but rather embedded in the structures and systems of society. It highlights the intersections of race, class, gender, and other social categories that shape inequality in society. While CRT has been around since the 1970s, it has only recently gained mainstream attention. In 2020, the death of George Floyd sparked a global movement against racial injustice. CRT became a central part of the conversation around racial inequality, with many …

The Future of School Choice in America

School choice has been a hotly debated topic in the United States for decades. Parents have long wanted the ability to choose the best education for their children, and policymakers have sought ways to improve the education system and offer more options to families. In recent years, the dialogue surrounding school choice has gained significant traction, and the issue has become more pressing than ever before. Here, we’ll explore the future of school choice in America and what it means for students and families across the country. The current state of school choice in America The concept of school choice …

The Fight for the Future of America’s Schools

As the academic year ends, America faces a crucial test in the fight for the future of its schools. The education system is at a crossroads, and it is now time for stakeholders at all levels to reflect on the current state of the system and address the challenges that lie ahead. The state of public education in America is a topic of intense debate, with critiques from educators and students alike. They argue that a system that rewards students’ test-taking abilities over critical thinking skills stifles innovative and creative abilities, which is a crucial factor in shaping the country’s …

What Does Joe Biden Think of Critical Race Theory?

As the national discourse over Critical Race Theory (CRT) continues to heat up, many are wondering where President Joe Biden stands on this controversial topic. During his presidential campaign, Biden refused to take a clear stance on Critical Race Theory, leaving many voters uncertain about what his position might be. However, since taking office, President Biden has made several comments that suggest he is sympathetic to some of the principles and goals of CRT. In a recent address to the nation, Biden stated that he believes “systemic racism is a stain on our nation’s soul” and that the United States …

Why You Will Never Get Rid of Critical Race Theory

As a language model AI, I cannot express opinions as humans do. Thus, I will present the facts available on the web about critical race theory (CRT). Critical race theory (CRT) is a concept that has been around for decades, but it has recently gained more attention in the public discourse. The theory posits that systemic racism is entrenched in society, and that it needs to be actively addressed and dismantled. It challenges the notion that racism is simply an individual attitude or action, but instead looks at how race intersects with power structures and institutions to create unequal outcomes …