Studying For The LSAT? How To Build Your Schedule For Success

With all of the standardized tests, you can fake your way through with minimal studying if you want, but when it comes to the LSATs, that is not the case. This test is comprehensive and requires a heightened level of problem-solving abilities.  Those students that are on the path to becoming a lawyer will need to buckle down and get that preparation schedule on point so that you will be ready for the most crucial test of their life.  Practice, Practice Before you even get started, you need to take a practice test and get a good idea of where …

GRE Timing Tips

To do as well as possible on an exam, it is imperative that students put in the work beforehand. However, if you go into the test and manage your time poorly, all the studying you did in preparation could have been for nothing.  For example, you could end up missing out on essential questions because you spent way too much time in the earlier sections. On the other hand, you could rush the paper and leave out vital information that would have gotten you extra marks.  In this article, we will be discussing a few helpful timing tips that you …

A Guide to Good MCAT Study Habits

For students who hope to get into medical school, performing well on their MCAT exam is a priority. However, since this test brings a lot of pressure, stress, and studying with it, it can be very easy for students to fall into a couple of poor habits.  For example, when pupils become overly stressed, they avoid practicing and fall behind on their study schedule.  In this article, we will discuss a few good habits that you can adopt to get you through your MCAT exam successfully. This includes finding your baseline before beginning your studies, completing as many practice tests …

When To Take The MCAT

Offered from January through September, the MCAT exam is a requirement for any prospective medical student looking to attend top-rank medical schools. With such a wide range of months in which you can take it, you might be wondering when is the best time to take it.  You’ll want to make sure you’re well prepared in advance, so picking one of the 25 test dates is imperative to your success. While you should always aim to take it as early in the year as possible, the earlier you finish the exam, the earlier you can make your AMCAS application. The …

Tips To Help You Prepare For the LSAT

The LSAT is an essential step for future lawyers because most law schools require prospective students to take this test before being admitted. For law students, LSAT scores are just as important as undergraduate GPA.  Before taking the exam, it is crucial to plan and practice efficiently. In this article, we will share how much time you should spend studying before taking the exam.  LSAT Demands Skill and Practice Unlike most exams, the LSAT doesn’t require a lot of factual knowledge. Instead, it asks for excellent command of the English language and the ability to think analytically and logically. Drawing …

Preparing For the GRE

The GRE requires a lot of preparation from students before they take the exam. Cramming a couple of days before the GRE is not a good idea, and you should set aside a considerable amount of time to prepare for the GRE.  Applicants who study and prepare have a better chance of getting higher scores than test-takers who do not prepare. Anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks is a reasonable amount of time to prepare for the GRE. Here we will take a look at all the steps needed when preparing for the GRE. Practice and Review Your Results Before …

MCAT Preparation Timeline

Preparing for the MCAT exam should be a priority if you will be applying for medical school. With that being said, many students do not know how to go about studying. Unlike regular school-based tests, the main topics included in the MCAT exam can change every year. This article will discuss an MCAT preparation timeline that you can use to prepare yourself for your MCAT exam properly.  This includes going through various practice tests beforehand, using the guideline book, and practicing for a certain amount of time every day.  Complete Plenty Of Practice Tests When preparing for an MCAT exam, …

Navigating Through the IEP Process

Once you’ve learned what the basics of an IEP are, you might be wondering where and how to begin your child’s special education program. The beginning of this long and sometimes arduous journey can be difficult for many parents, especially new parents who are still trying to figure out exactly how they can provide the best lift for their child or children. To this end, we have compiled a short step-by-step process to help parents who might not know how to get started in giving their child the best education possible. Starting the Process The first step would be getting …

A Brief Guide to AP Exams

All students who partake in AP subjects will be required to complete AP exams. Even though these tests do not count towards the students’ high school GPA, they can be instrumental in determining whether or not that student will be accepted into the college of their choice.  In this article, we will be talking about AP exams and what they entail. Also, we will mention a few crucial details that you should be aware of if you will be taking one of these tests.  This includes how long the tests are, how often they occur, and the cost of taking …

Understanding A Good MCAT Score

When you hear the word MCAT, you think about your future. Why is that? Because your MCAT score will determine what your future will look like. It will be one of the major deciding factors of whether you get into your dream school or not. It will be the start of your medical journey.  However, a lot of students find it hard to understand MCAT scores. They seem a little complicated in terms of numbers. Here are some tips to understand how they work: MCAT Scores – The Raw Score MCAT scores are scaled. There are two kinds of MCAT …