How technology helped deliver a taste of victory to a struggling Newark School

This article was written by JACKIE PUGH When Sara Neufeld wrote in The Hechinger Report last year that Newark’s Quitman Street Renew School had the greatest test score gains in reading of all 45 elementary and middle schools in Newark the prior spring, we at Education Elements saw it as triumph. Quitman Street is one of the schools that has used our blended learning models to help improve results. Our journey to personalized learning at Quitman Street Renew School began during the 2013-2014 school year. Because over 80 percent of their third and fourth graders were struggling readers, Principal Erskine …

Digital Doom? 3 Effects of Texting and Tweeting on Students’ Writing Skills

Internet and cell phone cultures have brought a whole new meaning to American slang. Not only are kids these days speaking informally, but now those relaxed rules of grammar are sneaking into written words too. This is probably not surprising at all, but do you know just how much this culture has affected our students’ writing skills? Fortunately, I have three research-backed results to show you. 1. Students can no longer tell the difference between formal and informal writing: The Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life project asked middle and high school educators about their thoughts on digital tools …

10 Ways that Edtech is Transforming Education

Technology has greatly impacted the way we do things—from how we shop for basic necessities to how we conduct business with people around the world. It’s no wonder that technology has altered education, too. In fact, here are 10 ways that edtech has changed education. Communication Through email and text messages, teachers communicate with parents and students faster and easier. Teachers can send out homework reminders, progress reports, and assignments with the touch of a button. The increased level of communication helps parents stay informed about their children’s schooling and students stay informed on what assignments are due. Differentiated Instruction …

Why one Mississippi district ditched textbooks for laptops

Superintendent says new technology improving academics, behavior This article was written by JACKIE MADER When Philip Hickman took over the role of superintendent in 2014 in the Columbus Municipal School District in east Mississippi, technology was almost nonexistent. Students used slow desktop computers and mismatched keyboards that were at least 10 years old. Hickman, who formerly worked as an assistant superintendent for the technology-rich Houston Independent School District in Texas, said he panicked when he saw the state of technology. “It was inappropriate to even present that to our kids,” Hickman said. “It was very scary to realize we were …

How You Can Create an Environment of Learning

Do you know how to create a classroom environment that ensures adequate learning? Understanding your student’s learning styles can improve the learning experience for them. This article highlights the Learning Style Inventory and how to make adjustments that incorporate all learning styles. A sensitive teacher might sometimes be able to identify the learning preferences of students through careful observations. An inexperienced teacher, or one with a particularly large group or very limited time, might find this more challenging. Conducting interviews early in the year can be a good way to create the space for students to talk about their learning …

34 Points on Strategic Leadership in Schools

Modern educational leadership is complex and demanding. Challenges include reestablishing novel national visions, crafting new educational aims for schools, restructuring education systems at different levels, privatization, and diversifying school education, all at the macro-level, and being proactive in facing up to these contextual challenges using various strategies. Strategic leadership is strongly linked to the organization’s vision. Here are 34 points about strategic leadership in the school environment to prompt school administrators to action. Vision is an essential part of strategic leadership. Without it, school staff and personnel aren’t working towards the same goal and therefore will find themselves at odds, …

3 Tips to Keeping Teacher Jobs in the Midst of School Reform

School reform is never easy. When sweeping changes are decided upon and implemented, everyone must fully participate in order for students to benefit from the changes and certainly not to suffer during the transition. Part of providing that stability for students is through a strong front of teachers that remain at the school during the sometimes turbulent reform process. Here are some useful tips that will help you preserve teaching jobs while reforming schools: Remember – a high teacher turnover is expensive. It is a simple fact of life that high staff turnover can create instability and have a negative …

4 Factors to Consider about Teaching Jobs and School Reform

School reform is never easy. When sweeping changes are decided upon and implemented, everyone must fully participate in order for students to benefit from the changes and certainly not to suffer during the transition. Part of providing that stability for students is through a strong front of teachers that remain at the school during the sometimes turbulent reform process. Here are a few things to think about when evaluating school reform: Reform just isn’t possible without a united front of educators and administrators. A shared vision is challenging to create and maintain without stable leadership, and a supportive culture from …

4 Expert Tips to Help Low-Income Students Enjoy Unparalleled Success

Students from low-income homes begin their education at a disadvantage. They often don’t have the means for even the most basic resources needed for success in their educational pursuits. Then when it comes to the non-tangibles, they often do not have the same academic support as middle- or high-income peers and know less when they arrive in kindergarten. When parents are unable to provide for their children, that responsibility then falls on the schools and the community. Here are some ways to make sure that students from low-income households succeed in K-12 classrooms. 1. Meet the children’s basic physiological needs. …