Depth Effect Not Working in iOS 16 Lock Screen? Try These Fixes!


As technology advances, so does the level of user experience on our smartphones. With the release of iOS 16, Apple introduced an exciting feature called the Depth Effect. However, some users have experienced issues with the Depth Effect not working on their lock screens. In this article, we will discuss possible solutions to fix this issue.

1. Restart Your Device:

Sometimes, a simple device restart can resolve issues occurring on your iPhone. Press and hold the Power button and Slide to Power Off. Wait for a few seconds before turning it back on and check if the Depth Effect is working properly.

2. Update Your Device:

Make sure you are running on the latest version of iOS. An older version might not fully support the Depth Effect feature. Go to Settings > General > Software Update and follow the prompts to update your device if needed.

3. Reset Your Lock Screen:

If you have customized your lock screen, try reverting to the default settings. To do this, go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper and select one of Apple’s preset wallpapers with Depth Effect support.

4. Disable Low Power Mode:

Low Power Mode often throttles certain features of your device to save battery life – one of which might be the Depth Effect. Turn off Low Power Mode by going to Settings > Battery and toggling off Low Power Mode.

5. Check Your Display Settings:

Ensure that your display settings are not affecting the Depth Effect feature. Navigate to Settings

> Display & Brightness and toggle off True Tone or Night Shift if enabled.

6. Test Another App with Depth Effect Support:

To determine if it’s an issue with your device or just your lock screen, try using an app that implements Depth Effect such as Portrait mode in Camera app or a third-party app from the App Store.

7. Contact Apple Support:

If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options and the Depth Effect still isn’t working, it may be time to contact Apple Support for assistance. Visit or make a Genius Bar appointment at your local Apple Store.


Experiencing issues with Depth Effect on your iOS 16 lock screen can be frustrating, but there are several potential solutions to address the problem. Make sure to follow the steps mentioned above and, if necessary, reach out to Apple Support. This way, you can continue enjoying a personalized lock screen experience with impressive Depth Effect capabilities.