How EdTech Companies Can Get Their Products Validated

How EdTech Companies Can Get Their Products Validated

The EdTech market is growing at a significant rate. According to multiple studies, “The global education technology (EdTech) market will grow 17% per annum to $252bn by 2020.” This is exciting news for the world of education and technology. It means we are rapidly moving students towards becoming global digital citizens.

For EdTech companies, it also means customers are making big investments in their products. However, for any EdTech product to be accepted in this competitive marketplace, it must be validated. Customers want to know the product is effective before they purchase it. Therefore, EdTech companies must creatively look for ways to achieve validation before it reaches the masses.

Work with Academics

One of the initial ways to get an EdTech product validated is to work with academics. By approaching an academic university and asking their researchers to pilot your product and give the resulting research, you are off to a brilliant start. Your company can use the research from trusted academics to help sell your product to other educational institutions.

Attend Conferences

For an EdTech product to sell, it must be designed with teachers and students in mind. A wonderful way to determine the validity of your product is to attend as many education and education technology conferences as possible. This will allow your company to learn about what is going on the classrooms and what technologies teachers and students need. Additionally, once your product is ready to be piloted, you can present it at these conferences to earn validation.

Find Early Adopters

In the beginning, you will need to find early adopters of your EdTech product. This means networking and networking some more. Approach those in your immediate network first to ask them to review your product. Then, branch out further in your networks to teachers and schools in your local area. Continue to network by reaching out to others. The more people who review your product in the beginning, the better!

Present Your Findings

Many EdTech companies present their findings. This often looks like working with third-party research groups to identify the strengths of their products. Buyers are much more receptive to a product that includes a study where its success has been measured and is presented. However, if you choose to use a third-party research group to help “sell” your product, you must ensure the research is reliable and relevant.

Engage in Social Media

Finally, consider using social media to find individuals in the education realm to validate your product. By engaging in online dialogue, you can develop a rapport with potential clients. Also, there are multiple education forums, such as Edmodo, where open discussion is encouraged. As long as you do not simply promote your product, you will be able to contribute to the conversation and find individuals willing to test and review your product.

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