Effective Education Leaders Treat People with Respect

Whenyou show respect to your leadership team and the educators in your employ, it is much easier to build meaningful relationships. It conveys that you care about them as a person, and you want the best for them. It makes it easier for them to give their all to project or initiative, as the respect that they receive from their coworkers reinforces their passion and purpose.

Think about it, how do we feel when we are not respected? We react according to our personalities and level of self-confidence. Some people will be sad, some will be motivated, some will be mad, and some might be indifferent. One thing is for sure, it does not inspire everyone to be great.

So how can I show the educators in my charge that I respect them? It would help if you follow through on your promises, respect their time, believe in other people’s ideas, stand up for them, and sincerely care about their well-being. If you do these things, people will feel respected and in turn, respect you back. It is not rocket science; it is as simple as the golden rule; Do unto others, as you would have them to do unto you.

A little experiment

Let’s do a little experiment. Over the next 3 months, go out of your way to show your fellow educators and leaders that you respect them. I am not saying that you need to go overboard, but you need to make a conscious effort to respect everyone around you.

After 3 months, how has the work environment changed? If you followed my instructions, then you are starting to see your environment blossom into a culture of trust and respect, as everyone is following your lead. You will also notice that people are going out of their way to show you how much they respect you. That’s the power of respect.

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