Evaluative Conditioning: Definition, Causes & Examples

Evaluative conditioning is the process by which one’s own attitudes and behavior are affected by the attitudes and behavior of others. It has been theorized to play a significant role in the formation of mental attitudes and behaviors as well as in the control of adaptive responses to environmental stimuli.

Evaluative conditioning can take a number of different forms, but some of the more common examples include the following:

1) Learned helplessness: This phenomenon is often seen in experiments in which animals are subjected to conditions in which they are unable to control their own behavior. For example, rats in an experiment by Seligman and Maurer were subjected to an electric shock that continued even after they had learned to avoid it.

2) The Pygmalion Effect: This occurs when someone’s expectations about themselves change as a result of exposure to other people or situations. For example, a person who is shy may become more confident after spending time around more confident people.

3) The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: This test measures a person’s IQ based on their performance on a number of different cognitive tasks. The test is often used to identify people who have been subjected to evaluative conditioning.

The causes of evaluative conditioning are still largely unknown, but some research suggests that it may be related to the way in which our brains process information. Evaluative conditioning can also be induced by a number of different stimuli such as sights, sounds, smells, and tastes.

Evaluative conditioning is often used in the business world to change a person’s attitudes or behavior in a positive direction. For example, a company may use evaluative conditioning to convince employees that their job is important and that they are capable of doing great things.

Evaluative conditioning is a powerful tool that can be used to change a person’s attitudes and behavior in a number of different ways. It is often used in the business world to change a person’s attitudes or behavior in a positive direction.