Funny kids jokes

Jokes have been around for centuries, and they never seem to go out of style. For kids especially, there’s nothing quite like a good joke to put a smile on their face. Whether it’s a classic knock-knock joke or a silly pun, funny jokes for kids are an excellent way to bring laughter and joy into their world. Here are some of the best funny kids jokes!

1. Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well!

2. What do you call a fish that wears a bowtie?


3. What did the grape say when it got stepped on?

Nothing, it just let out a little wine!

4. Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

5. What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta!

6. Why did the chicken cross the playground?

To get to the other slide!

7. Why did the bike fall over?

Because it was two-tired!

8. Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Boo who?

Don’t cry, it’s just a joke!

9. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling crummy!

10. How do you make a tissue dance?

Put a little boogey in it!

These funny kids jokes are perfect for sharing with your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews. Don’t be afraid to tell them yourself and add your own silly twist. The laughter and joy that these jokes bring are priceless, and they’re sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. So go ahead, tell a joke, and enjoy the fun!