Helping School Districts and Families to Better Engage With Each Other

The relationship between school districts and families is a crucial one. But often, it can be fraught with misunderstandings, lack of communication, and frustration. Yet, research shows that when families are engaged in their children’s education, students do better academically, have fewer behavioral problems, and are more likely to graduate.

So how can school districts and families work together more effectively? Here are some tips for improving communication and engagement:

1. Make communication a priority: School districts should establish clear and consistent communication channels with families, including school websites, email updates, and regular parent-teacher conferences. Families, in turn, should make a point to regularly check these channels and stay informed about school news, policies, and upcoming events.

2. Involve families in decision-making: School districts can invite families to participate in committees and focus groups that give input on key decisions, such as curriculum changes, budget allocations, and school policies. This not only gives families a voice in the process, but it also helps build trust and transparency.

3. Engage families in their children’s learning: Schools can provide family-friendly resources, including reading materials, homework help, and information on extracurricular activities. They can also encourage families to attend school events, such as open houses, concerts, and sports games, to see their children in action.

4. Provide resources for non-English speaking families: Many school districts have a significant population of non-English speaking families. To improve engagement, schools can offer translation services, language classes, and bilingual materials to communicate more effectively with these families.

5. Recognize and celebrate family involvement: Parents and families who are engaged in their children’s education should be recognized and celebrated. School districts can offer awards, certificates, and other forms of recognition to families who are actively involved in their children’s academic lives.

Improving engagement between school districts and families requires effort from both sides. But by prioritizing communication, involving families in decision-making, engaging them in their children’s learning, providing resources for non-English speaking families, and recognizing and celebrating family involvement, school districts and families can work together to support student success.     9:23 AM