How Howard University Is Addressing Racism and Social Justice through Academic Programming


In recent years, discussions surrounding racism and social justice have taken center stage, prompting institutions of higher education to reevaluate their roles in promoting equity and fostering an inclusive environment. Howard University, a historically Black university located in Washington, D.C., has embarked on a mission to address these issues through academic programming. This article explores the various ways in which the university is leading the charge in tackling racism and social injustice.

  1. Curriculum Enhancement

Howard University has made a concerted effort to incorporate social justice themes into its courses across various disciplines. They have integrated topics such as systemic racism, police brutality, and racial disparities into existing curricula while developing new programs that specifically focus on race relations and socio-cultural competence.

  1. New Degree Programs

In light of the growing need for educated professionals who are equipped to navigate complex social issues, Howard University has introduced new degree programs centered around race and social justice. Through interdisciplinary study, these programs aim to educate students on history, policy, activism, and leadership in the fight against systemic racism.

  1. Collaborative Research Opportunities

By providing research opportunities for faculty members and students alike related to racism and social justice issues, Howard University fosters an environment that encourages intellectual growth and active discussion. These collaborative efforts help promote a better understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and generate potential solutions.

  1. Extracurricular Initiatives

To engage students beyond the classroom setting, Howard University hosts extracurricular activities centered around anti-racism work and social justice advocacy. Events such as workshops, lectures by prominent activists, film screenings, and panel discussions provide students with opportunities to broaden their perspectives on issues of race and inequality.

  1. Campus-Wide Conversations

Acknowledging the importance of continuous dialogue for progress towards equality, Howard University encourages campus-wide conversations among faculty members, staff, students, and administrators about racism, social justice, and ways to create a more inclusive environment.

  1. Partnerships with External Organizations

To amplify their impact, Howard University has formed partnerships with other institutions and organizations that are similarly dedicated to addressing racism and social injustice. These partnerships serve as an avenue for knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and collaborative efforts in the fight for equity and justice.


Howard University’s commitment to addressing racism and social justice through academic programming is a shining example of proactive change fueled by higher education. By equipping students with the necessary tools to understand and combat systemic racism, they are cultivating new generations of leaders who will contribute positively to a more equitable world. These ongoing efforts serve as a testament to the power of education in driving social change and fostering a more inclusive society.