How to Grow Saffron at Home: The World’s Most Expensive Spice


Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice, due to its labor-intensive harvesting process and unique properties. However, growing saffron at home can be a rewarding and cost-effective experience. This article will guide you through the steps necessary to cultivate your own saffron plants and enjoy the colorful flowers as well as the luxurious spice.


– Saffron crocus bulbs (also known as Crocus sativus)

– Well-drained soil

– Gardening tools (shovel, trowel, gloves)

– Water

Step 1: Choose the Right Time and Location

The ideal time to plant saffron crocus bulbs is in the fall, specifically late September or early October. Choose a location with well-drained soil in a sunny area of your garden. Saffron grows best in areas with slightly alkaline soil (pH levels between 6 – 8).

Step 2: Prepare the Soil

Remove any weeds or grass from your chosen saffron-growing area and loosen up the soil with a shovel or trowel. It is also recommended to incorporate some organic matter or compost into the soil to improve its fertility.

Step 3: Plant the Bulbs

Dig holes that are about 4 inches deep and place the saffron crocus bulbs inside, pointed-side up. Space the bulbs about 4 inches apart to allow sufficient room for growth. Cover them with soil, gently pressing down to ensure they are well situated.

Step 4: Water Thoroughly

After planting, water your new saffron crocus bed thoroughly so that your bulbs can establish a strong root system before winter arrives. They require a consistent amount of moisture during their growth period, so make sure you provide adequate water throughout this time.

Step 5: Wait for the Flowers to Bloom

Saffron crocuses typically bloom within 4-6 weeks of planting. The flowers are easy to identify, with their bright purple petals and red stigmas – the saffron threads. Note that saffron crocuses only bloom for a short period, and the flowers open during sunny mornings and close by afternoon.

Step 6: Harvest the Saffron

To harvest the saffron threads, carefully pluck the red stigmas from the center of each flower using tweezers or your fingers. It’s best to do this early in the morning when the flowers are fully open. After harvesting, gently dry the saffron threads on a paper towel, and store them in an airtight container away from direct sunlight.


Growing saffron at home can be a fulfilling experience that allows you to appreciate its true value and enjoy the luxury of this exquisite spice. By following these steps, you’ll be able to cultivate your own saffron plants and add a touch of elegance to your garden and culinary adventures.