How to Renew or Reinstate a Teachers License in Virginia

Renewal of Teaching Certification

After 5 years, an initial teacher license lapses, and a teacher have to renew to continue teaching. The requirement to renew a license is for teachers to show they’ve obtained 180 PD credits.

Professional development credits demonstrate a teacher has grown in their career, keeping up with new instructional techniques. Professional development credits can be obtained in several ways:

College Credit

Candidates can complete coursework to develop their subject knowledge at accredited two- or 4-year colleges or universities. Candidates without master’s degrees must complete at least 3 credit hours in their content area (earning 90 points toward renewal).

Professional Conference

Candidates can attend or possess a professional seminar that lasts 4 or more hours that focuses on PD.

Curriculum Development

Candidates can show they have contributed to the improvement in the curriculum at a school.

Publication of an Article

Candidates can write an article that contributes to advancing the education profession or knowledge of particular teaching areas. Articles have to be published in recognized professional journals.

Publication of a Book

Candidates can write books that contribute to the teaching profession or knowledge in a subject area. Books should focus on planning, encouraging student outcomes, instruction, safety and learning, communication, and community relations.


Candidates can show they’ve helped mentor students or new teachers

Educational Project

Educational Projects are plans based on instruction and learning. Projects have to conclude with a written report and should focus on increasing knowledge in a subject area.

PD Activity

PD Activities should focus on increasing student learning and achievement, developing teaching strategies, and school-wide initiatives.

Candidates have to develop renewal plans based on their goals and meet with advisers to discuss their renewal plans. Once teachers are prepared to renew their licenses, they must complete a license renewal application found here.

Candidates should submit their finished application packets in addition to $25 in processing fees to the VDOE at:

Virginia Department of Education

Division of Teacher Education and Licensure

Post Office Box 2120

Richmond, VA 23218-2120