Impressive Winter Activities for Kids

Now that winter is here, many parents are looking for ways to keep their kids occupied during the cold months. Here are some Awesome Winter Activities for Kids!

1. Make a snowman!

This is a classic winter activity that can be done anywhere. All you need is a few simple materials, like a bucket, a roll of paper towels, and some modeling clay.

First, start by making a model of your snowman’s head. Next, start packing the clay around the head, making sure it’s well-stuffed. Finally, shape the arms and legs, and add a hat if you want.

2. Make a gingerbread house!

This is another classic winter activity that can be done with just a few simple materials. You’ll need a baking sheet, baking powder, sugar, butter, and flour.

First, mix together the baking powder, sugar, and butter in a bowl. Next, add in the flour and stir until the mixture is well combined. Finally, spread the mixture out on the baking sheet and bake for about 25 minutes, or until the gingerbread is golden brown.

3. Make a snowman game!

This is a fun winter activity that can be played with any number of people. All you need is some paper plates, cups, and markers.

First, draw a grid on a sheet of paper, and divide it into squares. Then, write the numbers 1-10 in each square. Next, have the kids stand in a line next to each other, and give them a marker. The first player in the line starts counting down from 10, and when they get to 1, they must draw a snowman on their paper plate. Then, the next player in line starts counting down from 2, and when they get to 1, they can also draw a snowman. The first player to finish their snowmen wins the game!

4. Make a snowman puzzle!

This is a fun winter activity that can be done with any number of people. All you need is some cardboard boxes, scissors, tape, and a few other simple supplies.

First, cut the boxes into square shapes. Then, tape one side of the box to the top of the next box, so that the two boxes are now one big puzzle piece. Finally, solve the puzzle and you’re done!

5. Make a snow globe!

This is a fun winter activity that can be done with any number of people. All you need is some hot glue, colored glass balls, and some Styrofoam.

First, glue the balls to the Styrofoam. Then, pour a layer of hot glue over the top of the sphere, and let it cool. Finally, pour another layer of hot glue over the top of the sphere, and let it cool again. You’re done!