Move On To Maintenance: 6 Post-Launch eLearning Course Checklist Essentials

Launching an eLearning course is a significant milestone, but it’s not the end of the road. As educators and course creators, it’s essential to shift your efforts towards maintenance to ensure your eLearning course remains relevant, effective, and accessible. Here are six post-launch checklist essentials to keep in mind:

1. Monitor Learner Progress and Engagement: Keep track of how learners are interacting with your course. Use analytics tools to measure completion rates, assess quiz scores, and identify any content areas where learners seem to struggle. This data can inform you where updates or additional resources may be needed.

2. Gather Feedback: Collect feedback from your learners through surveys or direct communication channels. Their insights are invaluable for understanding what works well and what can be improved. Pay attention to common themes in the feedback as these are likely areas that will benefit most from refinements.

3. Update Content Regularly: The world is ever-changing, and so should your eLearning content. Schedule regular reviews of your course material to ensure that all information is current and relevant. This includes updating statistics, case studies, references, and any regulatory or compliance-related information.

4. Technical Support and Updates: Technology evolves rapidly, which means you will need to update software, fix bugs, and possibly adapt to new devices or browsers. Ensure you have a plan in place for ongoing technical support and updates to keep the platform running smoothly.

5. Marketing and Re-engagement Strategies: Just because your course is live doesn’t mean you should stop promoting it. Continue marketing efforts to attract new learners and consider re-engagement tactics for those who have completed the course but might benefit from a refresher or advanced materials.

6. Evaluate the Impact of the Course: Long-term success depends on evaluating not just what learners thought of your course but whether it had a positive impact on their performance or knowledge in the real world. Measure outcomes against your learning objectives and use this data to improve the coursework continuously.

By incorporating these maintenance essentials into your post-launch strategy, you can ensure that your eLearning course maintains its value for learners and remains a dynamic resource for education in your field.