Remote Learning and ELearning Planning

Remote learning and eLearning are becoming a more and more popular method of education. This is especially true now that most schools worldwide have closed due to the global Coronavirus pandemic. 

Although eLearning is extremely convenient and flexible, learners face a few challenges once enrolled in an online course. This article will discuss a few ways to design a learning plan for online learning and eLearning success. 

Don’t Delay

One of the biggest problems with eLearning is procrastination. Since there are no set class times, most learners fall into the trap of leaving their work for the last minute. This can have a substantially negative impact on their results and their success in studying online. For this reason, it is crucial to design an online study plan. 

You will find it much easier to stay on top of your work when you don’t procrastinate. In fact, most learners enjoy getting their studies done as soon as they wake up. This means that they will have the entire day ahead of them to do the things they enjoy. 

When designing your study plan, make it your mission to complete your work in the morning or soon after waking up. You will be amazed by how much of a difference this simple change can make. 

You can use several tools and apps to make this easier. For example, Pedagogue will allow you to make a virtual classroom with your classmates. If you plan a meetup every morning at a particular time, you will find it much easier to stay on schedule and prevent procrastination. 

Plan Sensibly 

It would help if you designed your learning plan based on what you think you will accomplish as a learner. For example, most learners only study for about two hours every day. These learners should not include four-hour study sessions in their study plan, as the chances of them staying on top of their work are very low. 

Instead, learners should design their study plans reasonably. There is no point in planning when you know that you will not achieve the things you set out to do. 

Never Start the Day Before 

Another trap that most learners fall into is leaving their work for the last minute. This can be avoided by planning to complete your assignments before their due dates. 

As soon as your educator gives you a due date, make a note of it and add the date to your study timetable. You can then plan to complete small chunks of the work every day to make your study loads lighter. By the time the due date comes, you will have spent multiple days preparing for the assignment or test. 


Having a study plan is essential for anybody that wishes to be successful when learning online. We will be discussing a few strategies that you can implement when designing your study plan. 

First of all, do not procrastinate. You will find it easier to stay on top of your work when you plan to complete everything in the mornings. Also, make sure that you plan your schedule reasonably. You should never start work the day before it is due. Instead, add shorter study sessions to your study plan to complete your work in small chunks.