How Edtech Companies Can Make It through the Product Negotiation Phase

Negotiating can be one of the toughest phases to go through on your way to edtech product acceptance. Microsoft refers to negotiating as one of the “complete functional and behavioral qualities that, when fully realized, can help lead to professional success.” And that’s why it’s taught as an education competence. When you’re marketing your edtech product, your company can make it through the product negotiation phase with these steps: Be patient School districts move slowly through the adoption process. They like first to determine the efficacy of an edtech product and see what results in student achievement it can bring …

7 Tips on Bringing Your Edtech Company to Market

Edtech product development doesn’t end when the last code has been written. You have to bring your product to market, and here are seven tips to help you do it. Remember that you are the solution Teachers spend long hours in their classrooms, but their work doesn’t end when the last bell rings to dismiss students at the end of the day. The last thing a teacher wants is something that will make life harder. Offer a time-saving product. If your edtech company can solve a problem for a teacher, your product will be the one every educator wants. Make …

My Vision for the Future of Literacy in Education

pass or fail

Literacy has long been the key to communication and understanding, and education demands that we teach comprehension. Comprehension includes reading, writing, speaking, thinking and listening skills, and to be literate, students must master them all. Adults who are literate are far more likely to have successful careers. Now technology is changing literacy, thanks to digital content and how people engage with it. This metamorphosis is impacting education by demanding more of students in classrooms and educators who must teach the advanced skills of comprehension and analysis in every subject. Literacy involves using reading skills to investigate further, probe, and hypothesize …

Parenting in an Era of Screen Addiction

We live in a time where our children can access anything at any moment using a smartphone. They can shop, play games, research, or communicate at any time. While there are numerous benefits, there is an overwhelming number of parents dealing with children who are addicted to their screens. If you have a child who would rather spend all their time staring at a screen, scrolling through social media, or playing a video game, you are not alone. According to an online survey by Parents, children spend almost 55 days, or 1,314 hours, on screens each year. Parenting in an …

10 Things that Colleges Need to Do to Help Black and Latino Students

Not all students of color who enroll in college as a freshman stay in school to graduate. Fewer black and Latino students are completing their undergraduate degrees, compared to Asian and white students enrolled at the same college. A college education means equal access. The bachelor’s diploma can level the playing field for students of color, but colleges need to help black and Latino students get in school and stay until graduation. Here are ten things colleges need to do to help black and Latino students: Take responsibility for the failure. Blaming black or Latino students for not graduating is …

How Can I Boost My Child’s Confidence When it Comes to Reading?

When our children learn to read, we should take special care to nurture confidence in their abilities. Children who are unsure about reading often avoid reading aloud and participating in class once they enter school. However, there are some simple steps you can take to boost your kid’s confidence for reading. Engage in Interactive Reading Reading aloud to your child allows them to hear the way words are pronounced. Tracing your finger under the words as you go ensures they can follow along. Additionally, sounding out difficult words teaches your kid that it’s okay to be unsure. Try reading a …

The Secret to Raising a Self-Disciplined Child

All parents want to raise children who will one day be responsible adults. While the end-goal is obvious; children who can deal with real-world challenges, accomplish goals and succeed in life. How to achieve this is debatable. One idea is that we must teach children self-discipline at an early age. This method provides your child with a foundation for acceptable and inappropriate behavior by which to judge themselves. The concept is simple, and it does make sense. Children taught self-discipline can make decisions which benefit themselves and their goals without breaking societal rules. However, what does it take to foster …

My Vision For the Future of Math Education

It’s no secret that students often struggle with math. However, most education experts feel the issue is more about motivation and engagement than understanding. While advancements in pedagogy have led to more personalized learning for students, there are still problems we need to solve as educators. The reluctance of students to become involved in higher math and pursue careers in mathematics is something teachers should strive to overcome. I believe math education will transform in the next ten years to solve the issue of student involvement. The foundation for this change has already been laid, with the introduction of edtech …

How to Fix EdTech’s Diversity Problem

There’s one problem in EdTech that just won’t go away—the diversity problem. Or rather, the lack of diversity. This problem has two fronts—gender and race. In fact, the tech industry as a whole is dominated by white men. According to Mashable, White people make up about 83% of tech executives. A similar number of tech executives are men. The gender problem is less pronounced in the EdTech field, but it’s still there. Because education is a female-dominated world, there are more women in leadership roles in EdTech than the rest of the technology industry. Forbes contributor Barbara Kurshan notes that …

My Vision For the Future of STEM Education

STEM is ever present in all parts of daily life in the modern world. And, STEM jobs are more in demand every day, expected to grow exponentially over the next few years. However, STEM education in the U.S. has a long way to go. According to the latest PISA results, the United States is average in science and reading compared to the rest of the world. Additionally, the U.S. scored below average in mathematics. To compete with global education leaders and produce STEM workers, American schools need to improve the way STEM education is approached. My vision for the Future …