The Importance Of Phonological Awareness When Learning How To Read And Spell

Learning how to read and spell is a challenging task. With that being said, it would be even more difficult if we did not have phonological awareness

If you have no idea what this term means or how it relates to reading/spelling, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will be discussing everything about phonological awareness, including its definition and why it is so vital when it comes to reading/spelling. 

What Is Phonological Awareness?

Everybody in the world has what is called a phonological processor. In short, it is designed to identify precisely what has been said or read and extract the meaning. This works unconsciously in the back of our minds when we listen, read and speak. 

Without this processor, we would not be able to communicate or read efficiently. Instead, we would have to think before every word, making the process of talking or writing too time-consuming and tiresome. 

When somebody’s phonological processor allows them to talk and read fluently, we say that they are phonologically aware. However, some people have an impaired processor, meaning that they find it much more difficult when communicating. 

Why Is Phonological Awareness Important For Reading And Spelling?

When it comes to the importance of phonological awareness, there are various points to consider. For starters, being aware is necessary for memorizing and understanding the different sounds and letters of the alphabetic code. More so, being phonologically aware allows us to predict later outcomes when reading and spelling. 

When looking at people who struggle to read/write, many of them will show signs of poor phonological awareness. This is because they battle to remember different words, letters, and sounds, making it extremely difficult to construct full sentences and phrases.

Phonological awareness also helps us develop our vocabulary. Without this ability, we would struggle drastically when trying to find words to describe particular objects and scenarios. In this way, being phonologically aware improves our fluency and allows us to communicate with ease. 

Concluding Thoughts

Phonological awareness refers to our ability to identify the various sounds, letters, and words when talking and reading. Without this awareness, people would find it extremely difficult to communicate effectively with each other.

Phonological awareness allows us to understand and memorize the various letters in the alphabetic code. It also teaches us to predict later outcomes when reading and writing. People who have impaired phonological awareness struggle to read, write and talk to others.