Tips For Parents Of First Graders Learning To Read

Teaching your child how to read can be an incredibly daunting and challenging job. While teachers handle most of the work, it is still imperative that parents play their part when it comes to their kids’ basic education. 

There are a few ways in which parents can assist in teaching their children how to read. This article will discuss four easy tips that all parents should follow to make teachers’ jobs that little bit easier. 

Bring Reading Materials With You Everywhere

For starters, parents must bring some form of reading material with them wherever they go. This could be a magazine, children’s book, or pamphlet. 

By doing this, you will be able to occupy your child with something educational while at a doctor’s appointment, waiting in traffic, etc. 

Once Is Never Enough

One of the most important things to remember when teaching a child how to read is that once will never be enough. In other words, repetition is vital when it comes to learning this skill. We all had to memorize the different sounds and their corresponding letters subconsciously.

For this reason, parents should repeat work over and over again to drill the information into the memories of their children. 

For example, when reading a rhyming book, they should emphasize certain sounds that the kid may be struggling with. By emphasizing this sound over and over again, the child is subconsciously memorizing it. 

Only Allow For A Certain Amount Of Television Time

It can be challenging to motivate your child to read when there is a television nearby. Most kids would far rather watch their favorite show than improve their reading skills. 

For this reason, parents must monitor the amount of time spent in front of the TV. Some parents only allow for television time during the weekends. However, if this seems a little too extreme for you, limiting the amount of TV time during the week will also help massively. 

Play Word Games

There are plenty of word games for you to play with your first grader. For example, Simon Says can be fun while still teaching your child essential skills. 

Concluding Thoughts

Teaching first graders how to read can be a challenging task. However, to make the job easier for teachers, parents should help as much as possible. 

This can be done by playing word games at home, limiting the amount of television time, and reading through children’s books repeatedly.