Types Of College Services And Accommodations

Students all over the world struggle with different kinds of learning disabilities. While some students can achieve satisfactory results despite these conditions, others require additional help. 

All colleges must supply students with learning disabilities with a certain level of support. In other words, they are required (by law) to provide specific services and accommodations. 

This article will discuss a few of the most common accommodations that these students receive. More so, we will mention additional services that colleges may choose to include in their program. 

Learning Disabilities

As we have already discussed, learning disabilities affect thousands of students all over the world. For this reason, colleges must make specific changes to their programs to meet the needs of these students. 

These changes can be simple, such as allowing the students to use computers during lectures. However, certain colleges make drastic changes to make the learning experience much easier for these students. 

Common Accommodations

A few of the most common accommodations that all colleges are required to make include:

  • Adding extra time to tests and exams
  • Allowing students to use laptops during tests and exams
  • Permitting students to use calculators during tests and exams
  • Allowing students to make audio recordings of classes
  • Priority registration for courses
  • Access to audiobooks
  • Access to voice recognition software
  • Access to text-to-speech programs

Less Common Accommodations

On top of the accommodations listed above, colleges may choose to make additional changes. However, these accommodations are much less common and more difficult to get:

  • Extended time on projects and assignments
  • Course waivers and substitutions
  • Alternative exam formats (For example, changing a written exam to an oral one)

Additional Services That May Be Available To College Students

There are other types of services that specific colleges have included in their programs to make studying easier for students with learning disabilities. These services include:

  • Training in adaptive technology
  • Supplying students support groups
  • Forming mentoring programs
  • Providing help to improve study skills and time management
  • Providing students with learning specialists

Concluding Thoughts

Students all over the world struggle with different types of learning disabilities. To meet these students’ needs, colleges are required to provide them with specific accommodations and services. These accommodations can be simple, such as allowing the students to use calculators during tests and exams. 

However, they could also be significant changes. For example, some colleges provide the students with mentoring programs or learning specialists. This is all done in an attempt to make learning easier for the students.