What Are the Big 5 Personality Traits?

The “Big 5” personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and extroversion. These traits vary somewhat from person to person, but they are generally considered fairly stable throughout their lifetime.

Openness refers to someone’s receptiveness to new ideas and experiences. People open to experience are typically creative and intuitive and can see the world differently. They are also more likely to explore new opportunities and be entrepreneurial.

Conscientiousness is a personality trait characterized by a strong concern for one’s performance and the performance of others. Conscientious people are organized and efficient and typically have high self-discipline. They are also typically goal-oriented and persevering.

Agreeableness is characterized by a tendency to be kind, agreeable, and trusting. Agreeable people are generally supportive, cooperative, and often good at building relationships. However, they may also be optimistic and lax in their standards for how good a relationship should be.

Neuroticism is a personality trait characterized by high anxiety and depression and a propensity for stress. People who are neurotic are often pessimistic and self-doubting, and they tend to be anxious and fidgety.

Extroversion is the tendency to be externally oriented and friendly. Extroverted people enjoy being around others and are more active and vocal. They are often good at making new friends and networking.