What Can Schools Do When Older Students Can’t Read?

As educational institutions, schools are tasked with the important responsibility of ensuring that all of their students receive an adequate education. However, a problem that many schools face is encountering older students who are unable to read. This can be a difficult challenge for educators to address, but there are a few things that schools can do to help these students overcome their literacy struggles.

One solution is to provide targeted interventions and support for these students. Reading specialists and interventionists can work with struggling readers to identify specific areas of difficulty and develop individualized instruction plans that cater to their unique learning needs. Additionally, offering small group or one-on-one tutoring sessions can help students receive the extra attention and guidance they require to improve their reading skills.

Another way that schools can address the problem of older students who are unable to read is to implement a comprehensive literacy program that emphasizes the development of reading skills. This could involve incorporating reading-focused activities into regular classroom instruction, such as providing opportunities for independent reading or assigning reading-based homework assignments. Schools may also consider adopting evidence-based literacy programs that have been proven to be effective with struggling readers.

For some students who struggle with reading, the root of the problem may lie in their home environment. In these cases, social workers, counselors, and other professionals can work with families to address any issues that may be impacting the student’s ability to learn, such as poverty or unstable living situations. Schools may also offer parent education programs to help families support their child’s reading development at home.

Finally, it is important for schools to adopt a whole-school approach to supporting struggling readers. This means that educators across all subjects and grade levels should be aware of and involved in efforts to improve reading skills. School administrators may consider offering professional development opportunities to help teachers learn effective strategies for teaching literacy to students of all ages and levels.

In conclusion, addressing the problem of older students who are unable to read can be a challenging task for schools, but there are a variety of strategies that can be used to help these students succeed. By offering targeted interventions and support, implementing evidence-based literacy programs, working with families to address underlying issues, and adopting a whole-school approach to literacy education, schools can help struggling readers develop the tools they need to succeed both in the classroom and in their future academic and career pursuits.