What Is SCORM? 5 Essential SCORM Facts You Should Know

“SCORM” stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, a set of technical standards for e-learning software products. Here are five essential facts you should know about it:

1. SCORM is widely adopted: SCORM is the de facto industry standard for e-learning interoperability. This means that content and systems that are SCORM-compliant can work with other compliant systems seamlessly.

2. SCORM enables reusability of content: The model promotes the creation of shareable content objects that can be reused across different learning management systems (LMS) without modification. These SCOs can be mixed and matched to create different courses and training programs.

3. SCORM tracks learners’ progress: One of the key features of SCORM is its ability to track and record learners’ interactions with course content. This includes completion status, time spent, scores on assessments, and more.

4. SCORM has multiple versions: Since its inception, SCORM has evolved through several versions, each improving on the last. The most commonly used include SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004, with the latter offering enhanced capabilities like sequencing and navigation controls.

5. SCORM is not the only standard: While SCORM has dominated the industry for years, other standards like xAPI (Tin Can) have emerged, offering more flexibility and capabilities such as tracking learning experiences both offline and outside of traditional LMS environments.

Understanding these key points about SCORM can help organizations make informed decisions about developing and implementing e-learning materials in their training programs.