What is the VILT Full Learning Transfer Model?

The VILT Full Learning Transfer Model is an educational framework designed to ensure that virtual instructor-led training (VILT) is effective and that the knowledge and skills taught are successfully transferred to the participants and applied in their work or life contexts.

At its core, the VILT Full Learning Transfer Model recognizes the unique challenges associated with virtual learning environments. Unlike face-to-face training, virtual classrooms present obstacles such as reduced physical interaction, potential technical issues, and difficulty maintaining participant engagement. The model aims to address these issues by incorporating strategies that enhance interaction, application, and retention of the material being taught.

The full learning transfer model for VILT includes several key components:

1. Preparation: Before the actual training session, participants are provided with materials and activities to prepare them for the upcoming content. This may include pre-readings, assessments, or introductory videos.

2. Engagement: During the VILT session, instructors use various tools to engage participants. This may involve interactive polls, breakout rooms for small group discussions, Q&A sessions, and multimedia presentations to keep learners interested and involved.

3. Application: To facilitate the transfer of learning, practical exercises and simulations are integrated into the VILT sessions. These hands-on activities allow learners to practice new skills in a controlled environment that mirrors real-world situations.

4. Follow-up: After the session ends, follow-up activities reinforce what was learned. This could entail homework assignments, post-session quizzes, or group projects that require learners to apply their newfound knowledge in practical settings.

5. Support: Ongoing support mechanisms such as forums, chat groups, or follow-up webinars help participants clarify any doubts and continue their learning journey even after the formal training has concluded.

6. Evaluation: Finally, to measure the effectiveness of the transfer of learning, evaluations are conducted at multiple levels—from gauging participants’ reactions to assessing behavior changes on the job.

The ultimate goal of the VILT Full Learning Transfer Model is to bridge the gap between knowledge acquisition and practical application. By using a structured approach that incorporates preparation, engagement, application, follow-up support, and comprehensive evaluation, this model seeks to enhance the value of virtual instructor-led training so that it leads to meaningful outcomes for both individuals and organizations.