Will you share the list of blogs with me before pitching to them?

In the world of public relations and content marketing, transparency between clients and service providers is essential for establishing trust and ensuring that campaign goals are aligned. When it comes to pitching articles or blog posts, clients often ask if they can see the list of targeted blogs before their content is submitted. The answer to this question should reasonably be “yes,” and here’s why.

Sharing the list of blogs with clients prior to pitching offers multiple benefits:

1. Aligns Expectations: Clients can review the list to ensure that the selected blogs match their target audience and brand values. This alignment helps avoid any misunderstanding about where their content may appear and secures mutual expectations.

2. Facilitates Feedback: By providing the list beforehand, PR agencies or freelancers invite feedback. Clients can suggest additional blogs they believe would be suitable or highlight any they prefer to exclude from the pitch.

3. Increases Collaboration: Sharing information fosters a collaborative environment. Clients feel involved in the process, which can lead to a stronger working relationship and potentially more successful campaign outcomes.

4. Enhances Strategy: When clients have visibility into the blog selection, they gain insights into their service provider’s outreach strategy. This can create an opportunity for them to understand the approach and suggest strategic adjustments if necessary.

5. Ensures Accountability: Transparency in the process holds both parties accountable for their respective roles – service providers for selecting appropriate outlets and clients for approving these choices.

6. Builds Confidence: Clients who are privy to where their content might be featured are likely to feel more confident in the capabilities of their service provider, knowing that due diligence was done in curating quality placements for their brand.

Ultimately, sharing the list of blogs before pitching benefits all parties involved in terms of clarity, cooperation, and content placement success. It is a practice that underscores good faith and professionalism in any PR or marketing endeavor.

In conclusion, not only is it beneficial to share the prospective blog lists with clients before pitches are made, but it also sets a precedent for open communication and partnership throughout ongoing campaigns and future collaborations.