The A-Z of Education: Education Law

In this series, I hope to guide you in acquiring the vocabulary that you need to know to be considered a competent education professional. In this article, we will discuss education vocabulary centered on education law.

Click here to view all of the articles in the series.

Code of Ethics refers to an individual’s chosen ethical behavior guidelines, providing direction in the daily activities of his or her chosen profession. This code of ethics assists an individual to make self-satisfactory decisions quickly.

Corporal Punishment is a form of discipline where physical pain is deliberately inflicted to punish, reform, and/or deter unacceptable attitudes or behaviors.

Due Process, in education, refers to laws pertaining specifically to education and mean that fairness should be rendered in all arenas and that teachers’ rights or students’ rights, as individuals, should under no circumstances be violated.

“Free Exercise” Clause is a clause in the U.S. Constitution that reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Liability is the state of being legally obliged and responsible to perform certain actions, whether instructed to or not by an official of a judiciary court.

Procedural Due Process Rights includes the appropriation of specific legal procedures to ensure fair treatment of students.

Religious Freedom is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or religious belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or to follow any religion.

Sexual Harassment, in the context of the school environment, involves unwelcome sexual advances, including sexual remarks, and harassment that is sexual in nature.

Substantive Due Process Rights means that any restrictions imposed on student’s rights must be demonstrated by a valid reason.

Tort Laws are bodies of rights, obligations, and actions applied by courts in civil proceedings during which individuals are found to have been victims of the wrongful actions of others.

Are there any terms that we missed?


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