14 Ways to Help Students Who Stutter

Are you looking for ways to help students who stutter? If so, keep reading.

1. Praise the learner every time they answer a question or make a spontaneous comment class.

2. Listen to the learner when they display anger. Converse with the learner about appropriate ways of dealing with these feelings.

3. Teach the learner ways to repeat or rephrase a misinterpreted message rather than continuing to repeat the original message with the same error patterns.

4. Give the learner a list of sentences and urge them to read these at a slow rate.

5. Attempt to give the learner your full attention so they will not feel a need to hurry or compete with others for attention.

6. On occasions where the learner is dysfluent during a conversation, explain that this happens to everyone at times.

7. Praise the learner’s moments of relative fluency and emphasize that these occurred during moments when they were speaking slowly and easily.

8. Utilize a private signal (e.g., raise a finger, touch earlobe, etc.) to urge the learner to use a slow speaking rate during classroom learning activities.

9. Record the learner so they may listen to and assess their own speech.

10. Empathize with the learner and explain that they are not less valuable as a person because of their dysfluency. Place emphasis on learner’s positive attributes.

11. Get the learner to practice techniques for relaxing (e.g., deep breathing, tensing and relaxing muscles, etc.) that can be employed when they start to speak dysfluently.

12. On occasions where the learner experiences a severe episode of dysfluency, respond by paraphrasing/repeating the content of their message to confirm that the message has been grasped.

13. Consider using a language arts app. Click here to view a list of recommended apps.

14. Consider using a language development app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.