18 Hacks to Help Who Lose Their Place While Reading

Are you looking for hacks to help students who lose their place while reading? If so, keep reading.

1. Create an environmental setting for the classroom that promotes optimal individual performance (e.g., quiet room, background music, fresh air, etc.).

2. Create a reading “window” for each textbook the learner uses. The learner moves the reading “window” down and across the page as they read.

3. Give a quiet space for the learner to work (e.g., “office” space, a study table, etc.).

4. Refrain from placing the learner in awkward reading skills (e.g., reading aloud in a group, identifying that the learner’s reading group is the lowest level, etc.).

5. Minimize the amount of information on a page (e.g., less print to read, fewer problems, separate information that is presented to the learner, etc.) if it is visually distracting for the learner.

6. Make sure the learner is paying attention when they are reading instructions. Get them to repeat the instructions to check for comprehension.

7. Minimize the amount of content the learner reads at one time

8. Orally correct the learner’s omissions as often as possible so they correctly read the reading content.

9. Get the learner to highlight or underline the content as they read.

10. Get the learner to read orally and strive for 95% to 100% accuracy in keeping their place.

11. Get the learner to read orally, working for 95% to 100% accuracy with no omissions.

12. Record the learner’s reading so they can hear errors.

13. Record the learner reading aloud. Play it back so that they can hear how successfully they maintained their place when reading.

14. Make sure that the reading requirements of all subjects and tasks are within the capacity and ability level of the learner. If they are not, adjust the reading content to the learner’s capacity and ability level.

15. Support the learner in reading instructions. As the learner shows success, slowly lessen the assistance, and require the learner to independently assume more responsibility.

16. Consider using AI to teach reading comprehension.

17. Consider using Alexa to teach reading skills.

18. Try using one of our many apps designed to teach literacy skills and help students with reading issues:

10 Apps That Teach Your Child to Read

7 Must-Have Apps to Make Students Love Reading

7 Must-Have Phonics Apps and Tools

9 Reading Apps and Tools for the Elementary Classroom

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 24 Literacy Apps, Tools & Resources

10 Apps to Teach Children Early Literacy Skills